DIAGNOSTICS [textarea cols=80 rows=1 default="1. MDB - PCV %, TS 2. EDB -pH, pCO2 24.3, BE, HCO3, Anion Gap, lactate -Na, K, Cl, iCa, iMg, Glu -BUN, Creat 3. Pulse ox - ___% on room air at presentation 4. POCUS - No effusion was seen in either of the body cavities. Difficult to visualize heart due to chest conformation. Few B-lines, focused in the R chest field. 5. Chest radiographs 6. Screening ECG - HR at __ pre-stabilization --> __ post stabilization. No A-fib seen. 7. NIBP - __ mmHg post-fluid bolus --> __ post-fluid bolus"]
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