It appears that the sections for **Vitals**, **Medications**, **Physical Exam**, **Laboratory and Imaging**, and **Abnormal Labs** do have text areas already present, but perhaps you're referring to adding additional input fields that are currently missing or ensuring that these sections are well-defined in a form-based template structure.

Let's refine the sections and ensure all expected inputs are in place. I'll provide an updated version of the template to ensure that everything is captured clearly:

<!-- Medical Record Template: SOAP and POMR -->

<!-- Signalment and Owner Information -->
[comment memo=Font:Tahoma,Size:11]
Signalment: [text name="variable_1" default="Doe, Jane"]
MRN: [date name="variable_2" default="04-26-2023"]
Gender: [select name="variable_3" value="Female|Male|Other"]
Code Status: [select name="variable_4" value="Full Code|DNR + CCA|DNR + CCC"]
Owner Contact Information: [text name="variable_5" default=""]

<!-- Brief History of Present Illness -->
Brief HPI: [text name="variable_100" default="#"] yo [select name="variable_101" value="Male|Female|Other"] with PMHx [text name="variable_102" default=""] presents to [text name="variable_1" default=""] with cc [text name="variable_103" default=""]. Was admitted to [text name="variable_104" default=""] for [text name="variable_105" default=""].

<!-- Last 24 Hours -->
Last 24 HR:
[textarea name="variable_7" default="SHORT Bulleted Update most recent urination, defecation, appetite"]

<!-- Vitals Section -->
Temp: [text name="vital_temp" default=""]<br>
Pulse Rate: [text name="vital_pulse" default=""]<br>
Resp Rate: [text name="vital_resp_rate" default=""]<br>
Weight (kg): [text name="vital_weight" default=""]<br><br>
MM (Mucous Membranes): [text name="vital_mm" default="pink & moist"]<br>
CRT (Capillary Refill Time) (sec): [text name="vital_crt" default=""]<br><br>
BCS (Body Condition Score) /9: [text name="vital_bcs" default=""]<br>
MCS (Muscle Condition Score) /3: [text name="vital_mcs" default=""]<br><br>
Hydration Status: [text name="vital_hydration" default=""]<br><br>

<!-- Medications at Time of Note -->
Medication: [textarea name="medications_list" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="Medication [dose] mg/kg, [route], q[#]h"]</textarea><br>
IV Fluids (IVF): [textarea name="iv_fluids" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="IVF [fluid type] @ [rate] ml/kg/hr [volume] (mL/hr)"]</textarea><br>
Hydration Status: [text name="hydration_status" default=""]<br><br>

<!-- Physical Exam -->
Behavior: [text name="exam_behavior" default="QAR"]<br>
E/E/N/T: [text name="exam_eent" default="No dental calculus. No nasal discharge. NSF."]<br>
PLNS: [text name="exam_plns" default="Peripheral LNs are normal in size, no firm or painful LNs were identified."]<br>
CV: [text name="exam_cv" default="No arrhythmias & no murmurs auscultated. Pulses strong & synchronous."]<br>
RESP: [text name="exam_resp" default="Normal respiratory rate & effort. Bronchovesicular sounds normal."]<br>
ABD: [text name="exam_abd" default="Soft, non-painful abdomen. No palpable organomegaly/masses. Normal rectal exam with no palpable masses. Formed brown stool on exam glove."]<br>
UG: [text name="exam_ug" default="Moderate sized bladder. Prostate is symmetrical, non-painful & normal size."]<br>
MSI: [text name="exam_msi" default="NSF"]<br>
NEURO: [text name="exam_neuro" default="Normal gait & mentation, CNs normal, full neurologic exam not performed."]<br>
Other Issues: [text name="exam_other" default="None"]<br><br>

<!-- Laboratory and Imaging -->
Test, Date, Result: [textarea name="lab_imaging_results" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="test, date, result"]</textarea><br><br>

<!-- Abnormal Labs -->
Test, Date, Result: [textarea name="abnormal_labs" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="test, date, result"]</textarea><br><br>
Labs: [textarea name="labs_summary" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="Summary of labs"]</textarea><br>
Imaging: [textarea name="imaging_summary" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="Summary of imaging"]</textarea><br>
Procedures: [textarea name="procedures_summary" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="Summary of procedures"]</textarea><br><br>
NIBP (Non-Invasive Blood Pressure): [text name="nibp" default=""] (mmHg) (# cuff, location)<br><br>

<!-- Problems and SOAP Notes -->
#[text name="variable_10" default="Problem 1"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default="DX R/O, Dx Plans, RxPlans, CE"]
#[text name="variable_10" default="SOAP"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default=" 
S: Tessa has not changed appreciably since this morning. Attitude: Depressed, but responsive and resting comfortably in her cage. Vomited a small amount of fluid only once today.
O: TPR - normal
Abnormal Labs: ALB 4.5, ALP 298, ALT 310, AMY 6900 U/L, T.BILI 3.2, LIPASE 7400 U/L, TP 9.9, Na 139, Cl 99
WBC 19,500/Bands 2,950 (mild toxic change), Hct 58.6
UA shows moderate bacteriuria, USG=1.058, 2+ bili
RADS: Fluid and gas-filled stomach, poor contrast in R upper quadrant
A: Laboratory data consistent with secondary GI, specifically acute pancreatitis. Amylase, lipase, and radiographic findings supportive. Elevated ALT, ALP, and Tbili suggest inflammation or post-hepatic jaundice due to bile duct obstruction. Hyponatremia and hypochloremia likely due to vomiting and hypotonic dehydration. Hemoconcentration noted with high Hct and TP. Bacteriuria unlikely related and made a separate problem (#3). Problem 1 redefined as acute pancreatitis with biliary stasis.
P: Monitor for complications such as ARF, DIC, and cardiorespiratory issues. Repeat relevant tests tomorrow. Supportive care with fluid therapy, adjusting NaCl and KCl as needed. Prognosis: good if no complications. Hospitalization expected for 3-7 days."]<br><br>

<!-- Repeating sections for multiple problems -->
#[text name="variable_12" default="Problem 2"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default="DX R/O, Dx Plans, RxPlans, CE"]

#[text name="variable_14" default="Problem 3"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default="DX R/O, Dx Plans, RxPlans, CE"]

#[text name="variable_14" default="Problem 4"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default="DX R/O, Dx Plans, RxPlans, CE"]

#[text name="variable_14" default="Problem 5"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default="DX R/O, Dx Plans, RxPlans, CE"]

#[text name="variable_14" default="Problem 6"]
[textarea name="variable_11" default="DX R/O, Dx Plans, RxPlans, CE"]

<!-- Discharge Planning -->
[textarea name="discharge_planning" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="Planned discharge in XX days, pending resolution of XX"]</textarea><br><br>

<!-- Owner Communication -->
[textarea name="owner_communication" cols="80" rows="2" placeholder="Owner communication notes"]</textarea><br><br>


### Explanation of Additions and Changes:
- **Vitals Section**: Changed the text areas to specific labeled input fields to make data entry more structured (e.g., `Temp`, `Pulse Rate`, `Resp Rate`).
- **Medications Section**: Already had text areas, so no major changes were needed.
- **Physical Exam Section**
It appears that the sections for **Vitals**, **Medications**, **Physical Exam**, **Laboratory and Imaging**, and **Abnormal Labs** do have text areas already present, but perhaps you're referring to adding additional input fields that are currently missing or ensuring that these sections are well-defined in a form-based template structure.

Let's refine the sections and ensure all expected inputs are in place. I'll provide an updated version of the template to ensure that everything is captured clearly:

<!-- Medical Record Template: SOAP and POMR -->

<!-- Signalment and Owner Information -->
Code Status:
Owner Contact Information:

<!-- Brief History of Present Illness -->
Brief HPI: yo with PMHx presents to with cc . Was admitted to for .

<!-- Last 24 Hours -->
Last 24 HR:

<!-- Vitals Section -->
Temp: <br>
Pulse Rate: <br>
Resp Rate: <br>
Weight (kg): <br><br>
MM (Mucous Membranes): <br>
CRT (Capillary Refill Time) (sec): <br><br>
BCS (Body Condition Score) /9: <br>
MCS (Muscle Condition Score) /3: <br><br>
Hydration Status: <br><br>

<!-- Medications at Time of Note -->
mg/kg, [route], q[#]h"]</textarea><br>
IV Fluids (IVF):
@ [rate] ml/kg/hr [volume] (mL/hr)"]</textarea><br>
Hydration Status: <br><br>

<!-- Physical Exam -->
Behavior: <br>
E/E/N/T: <br>
PLNS: <br>
CV: <br>
RESP: <br>
ABD: <br>
UG: <br>
MSI: <br>
NEURO: <br>
Other Issues: <br><br>

<!-- Laboratory and Imaging -->
Test, Date, Result:

<!-- Abnormal Labs -->
Test, Date, Result:
NIBP (Non-Invasive Blood Pressure): (mmHg) (# cuff, location)<br><br>

<!-- Problems and SOAP Notes -->


<!-- Repeating sections for multiple problems -->





<!-- Discharge Planning -->

<!-- Owner Communication -->


### Explanation of Additions and Changes:
- **Vitals Section**: Changed the text areas to specific labeled input fields to make data entry more structured (e.g., `Temp`, `Pulse Rate`, `Resp Rate`).
- **Medications Section**: Already had text areas, so no major changes were needed.
- **Physical Exam Section**

Result - Copy and paste this output:

Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.07, 58 form elements, 547 boilerplate words, 36 text boxes, 17 text areas, 1 dates, 3 drop downs, 1 comments, 57 total clicks
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