[remark]Cardiology Clinic Evaluation[/remark] Patient Name: [text name="patient_name" default=""] Visit Date: [date name="visit_date" default="MM/DD/YYYY"] Chief Complaint: [radio name="chief_complaint" value="Chest pain|Palpitations|Shortness of breath|Fatigue|Edema|Dizziness|Other"] History of Present Illness: Patient presents with chief complaint of [chief_complaint]. [textarea name="history_of_present_illness" default=""] Past Medical History: Patient has a history of [past_medical_history]. [radio name="past_medical_history" value="Hypertension|Diabetes|Hyperlipidemia|Coronary artery disease|Congestive heart failure|Atrial fibrillation|Other"] [textarea name="other_past_medical_history" default=""] Medications: Patient is currently taking the following medications: - [ ] Aspirin ___ mg daily - [ ] Lisinopril ___ mg daily - [ ] Metoprolol ___ mg twice daily - [ ] Simvastatin ___ mg daily [textarea name="medications" default=""] Allergies: Patient has allergies to [allergies]. [checkbox name="allergies" value="Penicillin|Sulfa drugs|Aspirin|Other"] [textarea name="other_allergies" default=""] Family History: Family history includes [family_history]. [checkbox name="family_history" value="Coronary artery disease|Hypertension|Diabetes|Congenital heart disease|Other"] [textarea name="other_family_history" default=""] Social History: Patient's social history includes [social_history]. [checkbox name="social_history" value="Smoking|Alcohol use|Illicit drug use|Physical inactivity|Other"] [textarea name="other_social_history" default=""] Review of Systems: Patient reports experiencing [review_of_systems]. [checkbox name="review_of_systems" value="Chest pain|Palpitations|Shortness of breath|Edema|Cough|Wheezing|Dyspnea on exertion|Abdominal pain|Nausea|Vomiting|Headache|Dizziness|Syncope|Other"] [textarea name="other_review_of_systems" default=""] Physical Examination: Physical examination reveals [physical_exam]. [checkbox name="physical_exam" value="Well-appearing|Alert and oriented|No acute distress|Regular rhythm|No murmurs|Normal S1 and S2|Clear breath sounds|No wheezing|No crackles|Soft abdomen|Non-tender|No organomegaly|Cranial nerves intact|Normal gait|No edema|Normal pulses|Other"] [textarea name="other_physical_exam" default=""] Electrocardiogram (ECG) Findings: The ECG shows [ecg_findings]. [textarea name="ecg_findings" default=""] Diagnostic Tests and Results: Other diagnostic test results: - [ ] Test 1: [Result] - [ ] Test 2: [Result] - [ ] Test 3: [Result] [textarea name="diagnostic_tests_results" default=""] Assessment and Plan: - Working Diagnosis: [working_diagnosis] - Differential Diagnosis: [differential_diagnosis] - Plan: - Medications: [ ] Continue current medications [ ] Adjust current medications [ ] Prescribe new medications [ ] Other - Medication Changes: [Specify medication changes if chosen 'Other' above.] - Lifestyle Recommendations: [ ] Dietary modifications [ ] Exercise program [ ] Smoking cessation [ ] Other - Other Lifestyle Recommendations: [Specify other lifestyle recommendations if chosen 'Other' above.] - Follow-up: [ ] Follow up in 2 weeks [ ] Follow up in 4 weeks [ ] Follow up in 8 weeks [ ] Other - Follow-up Instructions: [Specify follow-up instructions if chosen 'Other' above.] - Referrals: [ ] Cardiac specialist [ ] Cardiac rehabilitation [ ] Nutritionist [ ] Other - Referral Details: [Specify referral details if chosen 'Other' above.] - Patient Education: [Education provided to the patient regarding their condition and management.] [textarea name="assessment_and_plan" default=""] Treatment Regimen: - [ ] Aspirin 325 mg daily - [ ] Lisinopril 10 mg daily - [ ] Metoprolol 25 mg twice daily - [ ] Simvastatin 20 mg daily [textarea name="other_treatment_regimen" default=""] Additional Notes: [textarea name="additional_notes" default=""] [comment memo="This template is intended for use by cardiology residents during patient evaluations in the cardiology clinic."] [mark memo="memo" name="cardiology_resident_template"]
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