Stress Testing for Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease
Stress Testing for Diagnosis of Coronary Artery Disease Pretest probability calculator/decision tool [select name="gender" value="Female=10|Male=100"] <-- Gender [select name="age" value="30 to 39=1|40 to 49=2|50 to 59=3|60 to 69=4"] <-- Age [select name="pain" value="One Feature=10|Two Features=20|Three Features=30"] <-- Pain has how many of the following features: - A - Substernal location - B - Provoked by exertion or stress - C - Relieved by rest or nitroglycerin Pretest probability --> [calc memo="pretest probability" value="score=((gender)*(pain))+(age);score>3003?'94%':score>3002?'93%':score>3001?'87%':score>3000?'76%':score>2003?'72%':score>2002?'65%':score>2001?'51%':score>2000?'34%':score>1003?'27%':score>1002?'20%':score>1001?'13%':score>1000?'4%':score>303?'86%':score>302?'73%':score>301?'55%':score>300?'26%':score>203?'51%':score>202?'31%':score>201?'22%':score>200?'12%':score>103?'14%':score>102?'7%':score>101?'3%':'2%'"] Interpretation and recommendations: One approach to pretest probability is to consider <20% low, 20-80% intermediate, and >80% high. Based on your interpretation of pretest probability levels above, consider: For high pretest probability: exercise stress test may be performed to aid with prognosis and management. For intermediate pretest probability: exercise stress test may be performed to aid with diagnosis. For low pretest probability: exercise stress test may have a role in some circumstances, but is not generally recommended. [checkbox memo="References (Hide/Show)" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).isNot('')"]References: [link memo="#1" url=""] Garber, AM. Stress testing for the diagnosis of obstructive coronary heart disease. UpToDate, Basow, DS (Ed), UpToDate, Waltham, MA, 2015. Accessed Jan 14 2017. [link memo="#2" url=""] Weiner DA, Ryan TJ, McCabe CH, Kennedy JW, Schloss M, Tristani F, Chaitman BR, Fisher LD. Exercise stress testing. Correlations among history of angina, ST-segment response and prevalence of coronary-artery disease in the Coronary Artery Surgery Study (CASS). N Engl J Med. 1979 Aug 2;301(5):230-5.[/conditional]
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