Syncope Prognosis Calculator
Syncope Prognosis [comment memo_color="blue" memo="There's a good table with clinical features and suggested causes of syncope in the reference (see footnotes)."] 1-Year Mortality Risk Factors [select name="Q1" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- Abnormal electrocardiogram [select name="Q2" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- Age older than 45 years [select name="Q3" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- History of congestive heart failure [select name="Q4" value="no=0|YES=1"] <-- History of ventricular arrhythmia 30-Day Morbidity/Mortality Risk Factors (San Francisco Rule) [comment memo_color="red" memo="*30-day morbidity/mortality includes death, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, pulmonary embolism, stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage, significant hemorrhage, anemia requiring transfusion, procedural intervention to treat a related cause of syncope, or any condition that is likely to cause the patient to return to the emergency department"] [select name="Q5" value="no=0|YES=20"] <-- Systolic blood pressure less than 90 mm Hg [select name="Q6" value="no=0|YES=20"] <-- Shortness of breath [select name="Q7" value="no=0|YES=20"] <-- Electrocardiogram: nonsinus rhythm or new changes present [select name="Q8" value="no=0|YES=20"] <-- History of congestive heart failure [select name="Q9" value="no=0|YES=20"] <-- Hematocrit level less than 30 percent Interpretation --> [calc value="score=(Q1)+(Q2)+(Q3)+(Q4)+(Q5)+(Q6)+(Q7)+(Q8)+(Q9);score>102?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 27% 1-year mortality rate':score>101?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 16% 1-year mortality rate':score>100?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 9% 1-year mortality rate':score>99?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 1% 1-year mortality rate':score>82?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 27% 1-year mortality rate':score>81?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 16% 1-year mortality rate':score>80?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 9% 1-year mortality rate':score>79?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 1% 1-year mortality rate':score>62?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 27% 1-year mortality rate':score>61?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 16% 1-year mortality rate':score>60?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 9% 1-year mortality rate':score>59?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 1% 1-year mortality rate':score>42?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 27% 1-year mortality rate':score>41?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 16% 1-year mortality rate':score>40?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 9% 1-year mortality rate':score>39?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 1% 1-year mortality rate':score>22?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 27% 1-year mortality rate':score>21?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 16% 1-year mortality rate':score>20?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 9% 1-year mortality rate':score>19?'15.2% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 1% 1-year mortality rate':score>2?'0.3% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 27% 1-year mortality rate':score>1?'0.3% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 16% 1-year mortality rate':score>0?'0.3% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 9% 1-year mortality rate':'0.3% with serious outcomes at 30 days & 1% 1-year mortality rate'" memo="Interpretation"] [checkbox memo="display/hide references" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"] reference: [link url="//" memo="#1"] Am Fam Physician. 2006 Oct 15;74(8):1367-1370 [link url="//" memo="#2"] Quinn J, McDermott D, Stiell I, Kohn M, Wells G. Prospective validation of the San Francisco Syncope Rule to predict patients with serious outcomes. Ann Emerg Med. 2006;47:448–54 [/conditional]
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