The SOAPnote Project > Shorthand
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- Blank Complete Note with Shorthand Library Frontloaded
This is an example of a blank note template which has the Shorthand feature. It has ‘Frontloaded’ the ‘shorthand-base’ library.
By SOAPnoteposted 2019-10-28, updated 2022-09-30approximately 14 views in the last month. - chronic condition history building block
- Chronic Condition SOAP
- complete progress note (with shorthand frontloaded)
- COVID MA message ROD
- COVID NEG MA message ROD
- COVID NEG MA message ROD
- e/m elements
- Family Practice Management EHR Macros
This is the text-expansion feature we have here. At this site these are called ‘shorthand tags’, but they’re really just macros or dot phrases.
By SOAPnoteposted 2023-10-21, updated 2023-11-09approximately 175 views in the last month. - Family Psychiatric History 4-2
- Improved Shorthand Function
Make your own shorthand phrases that expand the text as you type.
By SOAPnoteposted 2023-05-10, updated 2023-05-10approximately 14 views in the last month. - Intake SOAP With Good PE/Vitals
- library v2023.1
large shorthand library
By SOAPnoteposted 2023-05-17, updated 2023-05-27approximately 7 views in the last month. - Medical Surgical/ General Surgical Nursing Noteposted 2022-06-16, updated 2023-04-26approximately 14 views in the last month.
- Mental Status Exam
This is a condensed normal mental status exam which uses the ‘Shorthand’ feature. To use this, you can either copy it to your own SOAPnote or you can use the ‘Frontload’ feature. To Frontload this to your own templates, put [frontload soapnote="shorthand/mental-status-exam/"] at the very beginning of your note.
By SOAPnoteposted 2021-01-18, updated 2021-01-18Tags: mental status examapproximately 14 views in the last month. - PLAN-Hyperlipidemia
- progress-note-8
- Quick Note