[_] ID: _____________________ [_] Room: _____________________ [_] POD | HD# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [_] PROCEDURE s/p _________________________________ [_] INDICATION For: ____________________________________________ C H A R T . R E V I E W --------VITALS --------[_] BP? _____ / ______ [_] PULSE? ___________ --------[_] HR? ___________ [_] O2 Sat? ___________ [_] On Room Air [_] 2L [_] 3L ============================================================ ==================S U B J E C T I V E======================= ============================================================ ************************************************************ ------------------I N T E R V I E W------------------------- ************************************************************ [_]--------Ask the patient about pain-------- [ Y | N ] [_]--------Character--------------------------[___]Sharp [___]Dull [___]Crampy [___]Achey | [_]--------Onset------------------------------[___]Day(s) [___]Week(s) [___]Year(s) [_]--------Duration [_]--------Intensity [_]--------Exacerbating factors [_]--------Relieving factors: [_]--------Symptoms associated with pain [_] Is the patient post-op? [_] Ask about flatus, bowel movements, [_] Ask about nausea and vomiting [_] Ask about any shortness of breath [_] Ask about fever or chills [_] Ask if the patient is tolerating current diet [_]----------------regular [_]----------------liquid ============================================================ ================== O B J E C T I V E ======================= ============================================================------------------------------------- VITALS 1. [_] BP? _____ / ______ 2. [_] PULSE? ___________ 3. [_] HR? ___________ 4. [_] O2 Sat? ___________ ------------------------------------- --------2. [_] On Room Air? --------3. [_] 2L? --------4. [_] 3L? ---LABS ================================================================= [_] 5. CHECKED [_] [_] NONE LABS ORDERED YESTERDAY [_] --------RESULT -------------------------------------------------- [_] --------RESULT -------------------------------------------------- [_] --------RESULT -------------------------------------------------- [_] --------RESULT -------------------------------------------------- IMAGING [_] 6. [_] Imaging not previously included since last note ---------------------------------------------- ////////////// ADD TO NOTE ////////////// Labs, Imaging & Procedures Update Add [_] Most Recent [_] Relevant labs ----------------------------------------------- * * * IF a new note * * * add imaging [_] most recent [_] relevant [_] Add Up the previous day’s I/Os _________________ [_] update POD day from the previous note [_] Decrease the font siaze to 8-10: ASSESSMENT Age HD# or POD# s/p _ for Status: improving, doing well, stable PLAN //// Why the patient is on our service Where are we in the plan? What has been completed since last note? Y / N When? What has not been completed since last note? - _____________________ - _____________________ - _____________________ Why? What, if anything, do we need to reach completion? What relevant chronic problems is the patient receiving treatment for? Diabetes HTN P R E S E N T A T I O N - O N E . L I N E R //////////////////////////////////////////// Why the patient is here. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ================================================================== * * * * What in the “subjective” changed * * * * * ================================================================== Subjectively (name) ____________ has had | ----------> [_] no change in | |---------> a change in: [_] [_] Pain? [_] [_] BM? [_] ----------------------------------------------------------------- - Ambulating? ================================================================== What in the “objective” had changed ================================================================== Y (There were changes in) / N (No Change In) Y / N Vitals? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Y / N Physical Exam? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Y / N I/O? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Y / N Labs? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Y / N Imaging? ----------------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////// O B J E C T I V E ////////////////// OBJECTIVELY (name) ____________ has had | ----------> [_] no change in | |---------> a change in: [_] [_] Pain? [_] [_] BM? [_] ----------------------------------------------------------------- What we are doing for the patient. What in “Plan” changed. Discharge plan. QUESTIONS What we are doing for the patient. What in “Plan” changed.
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