Dr. Baz

Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center
Internal Medicine Ward Service Orientation Sheet
Samuel Baz, M.D. 
cell phone: 
562-414-2615 work 
909-922-4485 personal

This orientation sheet is intended to outline the goals, expectations, and structure of the rotation.

#    Main Goals:
1) Provide high quality patient care. 
-    (Provide the level of care that you would want for your own family). 
-    Please    see the attached VA Mission Statement.
2) Create an environment that is positive, challenging, and non-threatening to optimize the educational experience    for all team members.
3) Please see the goals and objectives for the rotation from your    program/clerkship director.

#    Remember HIPAA:
-    Do not leave protected patient information where it can be taken. 
-    Treat PHI like your own personal information.

-    IDT = Interdisciplinary Team Huddles
-    7:50 AM Team 1 IDT Huddle -- 10* floor outside room 1026
-    8:05 AM Team 2 IDT Huddle -- 10th floor outside room 1026
-    7:50 AM Team 3 IDT Huddle -- 10th floor outside room 1050
-    8:05 AM Team 4 IDT Huddle -- 1 0 floor outside room 1050.
-    * 8:05 AM Team 5 IDT Huddle - 4 " Floor 438 cxcept Mondays } Our releFconben    
-    7:50 AM Team 6 IDT Huddle - 4' Floor 438 except Mondays
-    The huddles should take no longer than 15 minutes. 
-    The focus is on throughput and discharge. 
-    The huddles are not to be used for in-depth clinical discussions unless there is clinical information that is pertinent to throughput. -    Please see the team boards for IDT format.
-    8:25 AM Daily Management Service (DMS) Huddle for the inpatient medicine services Teams 1-6
Location: Teams
-    This meeting is intended to bring up any issues that the Medicine    Leadership need to address. (STEPS - Supplies, Team Members, Equipment, Processes including subspecialty consults, Safety
-    It is optional for residents. 
-    If you are interested in Lean Management, this would be nice to
8:45AM~9:45 AM    -    Morning Teaching Conference in Pantages (2"d Floor) on Tuesdays-Thursdays

-    Begin/Resume Attending Rounds in the team room (or ~9-9:30 am if no morning report)

-    How Conducted 
- On most days we can start with rounds in the workroom with some    patients seen as a team at the bedside. 
-    We may try different formats to improve efficiency with a    combination of card flipping, bedside, and hallway    rounds.

-    (Students, please adhere to the format introduced during your    orientation).
-    SOAP Presentation format is preferred (except new admissions). 
-    ID: e.g. Mr. Jones is our 65 year-old gentleman who    was admitted with a community acquired pneumonia.
-    " Keep the ID short! 
-    No need to list the whole PMH here. 
-    S:    
-    pertinent events overnight
-    current pertinent complaints, 
-    O: 
-    vital signs with ranges over last 24 hours
-    02 sat range, (ins    and outs
-    weight
-    blood sugars if pertinent)
-    key physical exam findings. 
#    A/P
-    Active issues only
- be as specific as possible 
-    (e.g., Cough pneumonia → community acquired pneumonia → Strep pneumoniae pneumonia sensitive to    penicillin).
-    Don't wait until rounds if the patient has an urgent problem or    serious change in condition that needs to be discussed.

#    NOTES:
Tibor Rubin VA Medical Center
Internal Medicine Ward Service Orientation Sheet
Samuel Baz, M.D.
cell phone:
562-414-2615 work
909-922-4485 personal

This orientation sheet is intended to outline the goals, expectations, and structure of the rotation.

# Main Goals:
1) Provide high quality patient care.
- (Provide the level of care that you would want for your own family).
- Please see the attached VA Mission Statement.
2) Create an environment that is positive, challenging, and non-threatening to optimize the educational experience for all team members.
3) Please see the goals and objectives for the rotation from your program/clerkship director.

# Remember HIPAA:
- Do not leave protected patient information where it can be taken.
- Treat PHI like your own personal information.

- IDT = Interdisciplinary Team Huddles
- 7:50 AM Team 1 IDT Huddle -- 10* floor outside room 1026
- 8:05 AM Team 2 IDT Huddle -- 10th floor outside room 1026
- 7:50 AM Team 3 IDT Huddle -- 10th floor outside room 1050
- 8:05 AM Team 4 IDT Huddle -- 1 0 floor outside room 1050.
- * 8:05 AM Team 5 IDT Huddle - 4 " Floor 438 cxcept Mondays } Our releFconben
- 7:50 AM Team 6 IDT Huddle - 4' Floor 438 except Mondays
- The huddles should take no longer than 15 minutes.
- The focus is on throughput and discharge.
- The huddles are not to be used for in-depth clinical discussions unless there is clinical information that is pertinent to throughput. - Please see the team boards for IDT format.
- 8:25 AM Daily Management Service (DMS) Huddle for the inpatient medicine services Teams 1-6
Location: Teams
- This meeting is intended to bring up any issues that the Medicine Leadership need to address. (STEPS - Supplies, Team Members, Equipment, Processes including subspecialty consults, Safety
- It is optional for residents.
- If you are interested in Lean Management, this would be nice to
8:45AM~9:45 AM - Morning Teaching Conference in Pantages (2"d Floor) on Tuesdays-Thursdays

- Begin/Resume Attending Rounds in the team room (or ~9-9:30 am if no morning report)

- How Conducted
- On most days we can start with rounds in the workroom with some patients seen as a team at the bedside.
- We may try different formats to improve efficiency with a combination of card flipping, bedside, and hallway rounds.

- (Students, please adhere to the format introduced during your orientation).
- SOAP Presentation format is preferred (except new admissions).
- ID: e.g. Mr. Jones is our 65 year-old gentleman who was admitted with a community acquired pneumonia.
- " Keep the ID short!
- No need to list the whole PMH here.
- S:
- pertinent events overnight
- current pertinent complaints,
- O:
- vital signs with ranges over last 24 hours
- 02 sat range, (ins and outs
- weight
- blood sugars if pertinent)
- key physical exam findings.
# A/P
- Active issues only
- be as specific as possible
- (e.g., Cough pneumonia → community acquired pneumonia → Strep pneumoniae pneumonia sensitive to penicillin).
- Don't wait until rounds if the patient has an urgent problem or serious change in condition that needs to be discussed.


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