ID Milestones
Document an appropriate history and perform a comprehensive and targeted physical exam to provide accurate diagnosis Acquire a foundational history for common infectious diseases and syndromes Perform a foundational physical examination document thorough yet concise internal medicine history document a thorough yet concise internal medicine physical exam document a complete history, including specific host and environmental factors document an examination that elicits common or straightforward infectious diseases and syndromes document recent travel abroad in a patient with fever and a rash document all central line sites in an intensive care unit (ICU) patient document a detailed history incorporating pertinent supplemental information document an examination that elicits uncommon or complicated infectious diseases and syndromes document Calling outside laboratory to obtain updated culture data for a transferred patient document Comments on presence or absence of Osler’s nodes on a patient with bloodstream infection, prompting concern for endocarditis document a tailored history that incorporates epidemiology, past clinical data, and nuances specific for suspected pathogens or syndromes document a tailored examination that elicits subtle findings of infectious diseases and syndromes document a case of suspected infection reviews outside hospital medical records in detail to determine if antibiotics were administered prior to obtaining cultures document any subtle skin findings in a patient with neutropenic fever, prompting consideration for disseminated fungal infection document a history that identifies subtle details and resolves ambiguity in the patient history document a mastered the art of examination that helps in making a definitive diagnosis document all Management of Patients with Possible and Proven Infectious Diseases document Overall Intent: To develop comprehensive management plans for patients with infections document an initial assessment for patients with low-complexity conditions document recognizing other possible causes of erythema document initial and follow-up management plans for patients with low-complexity conditions document risk factors, if intravenous (IV) followed by an oral option for an appropriate duration with no need for infectious diseases follow-up document an initial and follow-up plan for patients with moderate-complexity conditions and adjusts the plan over the course of clinical care document drug monitoring and changes to other appropriate anti-microbial drug in response to drug-induced sequale document a comprehensive management plan, including contingency plans for patients with complex conditions document a contingency plan to switch in the event of acute adverse changes document a customized management plans for all patients, regardless of the complexity of the condition, and incorporating diagnostic uncertainty and cost effectiveness ● For a patient living with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) who presents with a ring-enhancing lesion in the brain, recommends appropriate empiric treatment for toxoplasmosis; recommends trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole for treatment if pyrimethamine cannot be obtained at a reasonable price due to market monopoly and recent price increase; has a contingency plan to evaluate for central nervous system lymphoma if lesion does not improve on imaging after two weeks Assessment Models or Tools
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