Pre-Chart: HIV

HIV Clinic Pre-Charting Template with Evidence-Based Medicine Integration

Patient Information:

Name: [text]
Date of Birth: [date]
Medical Record Number (MRN): [text]
Date of Visit: [date default="today"]
Reason for Visit:

[select value="Follow-up|New Patient|Medication Refill|Other"]
[text name="other_reason" memo="If 'Other', please specify"]
History (To be completed during patient interview):


Name: [text]
Age: [text]
Sex: [radio value="Male|Female|Other"]
Marital Status: [text]
Race: [text]

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Document patient's primary reason for visit here."]

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Gather details about the onset, duration, and severity of symptoms. Include any relevant precipitating events."]
[comment memo_color="lightgreen" memo="Inquire about HIV risk factors and sexual history. Discuss PrEP/PEP if applicable."]

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="List all current medications, including HIV regimen and adherence information."]
[comment memo_color="red" memo="Note any allergies and adverse reactions to medications."]

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Document relevant medical history, including surgeries, hospitalizations, and vaccinations."]

[comment memo_color="red" memo="List medication allergies and any associated reactions."]

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Inquire about family history of relevant medical conditions."]
Social History:

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Gather information about smoking, alcohol use, drug use, sexual history, living situation, and support system."]
Review of Systems (ROS):

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Perform a thorough review of systems to identify any new or ongoing issues."]
Ob-Gyn Hx (if applicable):

[comment memo_color="orange" memo="Obtain relevant obstetric and gynecologic history for female patients."]
Additional Notes:

[textarea memo="Use this space to document any additional information or questions to address during the patient interview."]
Evidence-Based Medicine Considerations (For Reference):

Adherence: Prioritize adherence assessment and support.
Smoking Cessation: Encourage and support smoking cessation.
Alcohol and Drug Use: Screen for harmful use and provide appropriate interventions.
PrEP/PEP: Offer PrEP or PEP when indicated.
Cardiovascular Risk: Assess and manage cardiovascular risk factors.
Opportunistic Infections: Follow guidelines for prophylaxis.
Instructions for Use:

Before the Visit: Complete the patient information and reason for visit sections.
During the Visit: Utilize the pre-charting template as a guide during the patient interview, filling in the relevant sections as you gather information.
Post-Visit: Review and complete any remaining sections, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate medical record.
This pre-charting template serves as a structured tool to streamline the patient interview process, facilitate evidence-based decision-making, and ensure comprehensive data collection for optimal HIV care.
HIV Clinic Pre-Charting Template with Evidence-Based Medicine Integration

Patient Information:

Date of Birth:
Medical Record Number (MRN):
Date of Visit:
Reason for Visit:

If 'Other', please specify
History (To be completed during patient interview):


Marital Status:

Document patient's primary reason for visit here.

Gather details about the onset, duration, and severity of symptoms. Include any relevant precipitating events.
Inquire about HIV risk factors and sexual history. Discuss PrEP/PEP if applicable.

List all current medications, including HIV regimen and adherence information.
Note any allergies and adverse reactions to medications.

Document relevant medical history, including surgeries, hospitalizations, and vaccinations.

List medication allergies and any associated reactions.

Inquire about family history of relevant medical conditions.
Social History:

Gather information about smoking, alcohol use, drug use, sexual history, living situation, and support system.
Review of Systems (ROS):

Perform a thorough review of systems to identify any new or ongoing issues.
Ob-Gyn Hx (if applicable):

Obtain relevant obstetric and gynecologic history for female patients.
Additional Notes:

Use this space to document any additional information or questions to address during the patient interview.
Evidence-Based Medicine Considerations (For Reference):

Adherence: Prioritize adherence assessment and support.
Smoking Cessation: Encourage and support smoking cessation.
Alcohol and Drug Use: Screen for harmful use and provide appropriate interventions.
PrEP/PEP: Offer PrEP or PEP when indicated.
Cardiovascular Risk: Assess and manage cardiovascular risk factors.
Opportunistic Infections: Follow guidelines for prophylaxis.
Instructions for Use:

Before the Visit: Complete the patient information and reason for visit sections.
During the Visit: Utilize the pre-charting template as a guide during the patient interview, filling in the relevant sections as you gather information.
Post-Visit: Review and complete any remaining sections, ensuring a comprehensive and accurate medical record.
This pre-charting template serves as a structured tool to streamline the patient interview process, facilitate evidence-based decision-making, and ensure comprehensive data collection for optimal HIV care.

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