Street Medicine Health Screening Tool (Army Based)
PART B - IDENTIFICATION OF CHILD/YOUTH CONDITION/RESTRICTIONS Any of the following conditions/restrictions: (Check yes or no) 1. Allergies No Yes (explain) a. Life threatening reaction No Yes (explain) b. Epi-pen required No Yes c. Other allergic reations (hives, rash, diarrhea) No Yes 2. Asthma reactive airway disease No Yes (explain) a. Triggers exist for child's asthma attacks (stress, environmental, exercise) No Yes (explain) b. Child routinely (greater than 10 days per month/four months per year) uses inhaled anti-inflammatory agents and/or bronchodilators No Yes (explain) c. Child has taken steroids during the past year (prednisone, prednisolone) No Yes (indicate number of days in past year) Experienced unconsciousness or seizures associated with asthma attacks No Yes (explain) e. Child required an urgent visit to emergency room or clinic for acute asthma within the last 12 months No Yes (indicate number of visits in the past year) f. Child has been hospitalized for asthma related condition in the past six months No Yes (explain) 3. Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) No Yes a. ADD with hyperactivity No Yes b. Is not well controlled with medication No Yes (not well controlled) c. Behavioral/conduct concerns No Yes (explain) 4. Autism No Yes 5. Behavioral/conduct concerns (for example, oppositional defiant disorder, anxiety disorder, school phobias) No Yes (explain) 6. Blindness/visual problems No Yes (explain) 7. Diabetes No Yes (explain) 8. Emotional problems that require care by a psychiatrist, psychologist or social worker No Yes (explain) 9. Epilepsy No Yes (explain) 10. Hearing problems No Yes (explain) 11. Heart problems No Yes (explain) 12. Kidney problems No Yes (explain) 13. Speech/language delay No Yes (explain) 14. Physical disability No Yes (explain) 15. Dietary restrictions No Yes (explain) DA FORM 7625-1, MAY 2009 Page 2 of 3 APD LC v1.00ES 16. Assistance with activities of daily living No Yes (explain) 17. Other conditions No Yes (specify and explain) Part C - Medications Child is on medications on a regular basis No Yes (If yes, please list medications and indicate which require administration during child care hours.) Part D - Early Intervention and Special Education Child has an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan No Yes Part E - Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Enrollment Child is enrolled in the EFMP
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