1 Year WCC
Patient is a [text] Month Old [select value= "Select|M|F"] that presents to clinic for a well child check. Parental concerns: [textarea default= "Post Partum Depresion: Interval History:"]. Motor Milestones: [checklist value= "Pulls to stand|Cruises|Pincer grasp"][text] Social/Language Milestone: [checklist value= "Plays games|Puts object in container|Waves bye|Says Mama/Dada"] Sleep/Naps: sleeps [text] hours at night and naps [text]. Patient sleeps [textarea default= "location, put to sleep with bottle?Pacifier?"] Food: [textarea default= "Frequency of meals, Picky Eater"] Dental: [checkbox value= "Brush teeth twice daily|Fluoride given today"] Child care: [checkbox value= "Daycare|Home|Both daycare and home"] Home: [textarea default= "Who lives at home: Siblings: Parents occupation:"] Safety: [checklist value= "Cleaning supplies and medications stored in a safe place|Outlet covers|Baby gates on stairs|Rear facing car seat if not at height/weight limit"][text] [textarea default="Meds: Allergies: PMH: PSH: FH:"] Parental Education: Reading to child daily and avoiding use of screens. Dentist? [comment memo="PE: **Red reflex, HGB/Lead level"] [comment memo="4th dose PCV. 1st dose MMR/Varicella. HepA?"]
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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.38, 18 form elements, 49 boilerplate words, 5 text boxes, 5 text areas, 2 checkboxes, 3 check lists, 1 drop downs, 2 comments, 27 total clicks
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