4 Month WCC
Patient is a [text] Month Old [select value= "Select|M|F"] that presents to clinic for a well child check. [textarea default= "Post Partum Depression: Denies feelings of depression, anhedonia, SI/HI. Concerns:"]. Motor Milestones: [checklist value= "head flops back|hands in fists moving in front of mouth/face|Tummy time"][text] Social/Language Milestone: [checklist value= "eyes track you across the room|turns to sounds|smiles"] [textarea default= "Sleep/Naps, put to sleep with bottle?Pacifier?"] Food: [textarea default= "frequency of feeds, how much if bottle fed, time spent eating, Vitamin D drops for breast fed infants 400 IUs daily, Iron supplement 1mg/kg if only breast feeding/pre-me"] Child care: [checkbox value= "Daycare|Home|Both daycare and home"] Dentist: [checkbox value= "Teething|Cleaning mouth out with washcloth after meals|Scheduled dentist appointment|Looking to schedule dentist appointment"] Home: [textarea default= "Who lives at home: Siblings: Parents occupation:"] Safety: [checklist value= "Put to sleep on back|No blankets, pillows or toys in crib|Firm mattress|Rear facing car seat|Never left unattended on raised surfaces"][text] [textarea default="Meds: Allergies: PMH: PSH: FH:"] Parental Education: Reading to child daily and avoiding use of screens. Dentist? [comment memo="PE: **Red reflex"] [comment memo="2nd dose Rotavirus/DTaP/HiB/IPV"]
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