PICU Progress Notes
[text name="variable_1" default="PICU Progress"] Rounds With : _ Diagnosis: _ ICU Days: _ Major Events Last 24 hrs:_ Procedures Performed (if any):_ Respiratory: Day of Ventilation:_ ETT size_ Level_ Cuffed: Y / N Cuff pressure_ Leak_ Support: NC____L/min Vent mode _ VtSet_ Fi02_ PIP_ PEEP_ PS_ RATE_ HFOV MAP_ AMP_ Freq_ FiO2_ Non-Invasive Ventilation Mode: CPAP/BIPAP/HIGH FLOW NASAL CANULA Settings:_ Extubated on:_/_/_ Vitals: RR_ Spo2_ EtCO2_ CXR: Suctioning needs: ABG: pH_ Pco2_ Pao2_ HC03_ BE_ Sao2_ Exam: not in respiratory distress, Air entry equal bilaterally, no crepitations, no rhonchi Cardiovascular: Meds/Inotropes(If Any): _ CVP (If Any):day# _ site_ A-line(If An): day#: _ site: _ Vitals : HR_ BP/MAP'S_ CVP_ RAP_ LACTATE_SvO2_ EXAM: Hemodynamically stable, good volume peripheral pulse, Capillary Refill Time less than 2 seconds, S1 & S2 normal, No murmur Vital Signs (last 24 hrs)_____ Last Charted___________ Temp Tympanic Heart Rate Apical Resp Rate SBP DBP SpO2 Weight Height BMI Fluid/Electrolyte/ Nutrition/GI: NPO_ Feeds / Rate_ TPN: _% Dextrose, _gm/kg/day Proteins, _gm/kg/day Fat, TPN Rate_ml/hr Wt_ Kcal/kg/D_ Bowel Movements:_ I/O_/_ Balance_ UO_ml/kg/hr Urinary Catheter(If Any): _Days Drains:_ Cummulative Balance since Admission:_ Fluid status:_ Exams: soft and lax, not tender, not distended, no masses felt, no organomegaly Labs: Last 24 Hours Hematology: Transfusion(If Any): PRBC's_ PLT_ FFP_ Others__ Infectious Disease: Tmax__ Tc__ Antibiotics(If Any): 1) _ _/_Days 2) _ _/_Days 3) _ _/_Days 4) _ _/_Days 5) _ _/_Days Cultures(If Any): Neurology: Pupils: _ GCS_ ICP_ CPP_ Active Issues: Mental Status: Sedation level: Exam: conscious and oriented, no focal neurological deficits, power and tone normal. Deep Tendon Reflexes normal, Pupils bilaterally equal and reactive to light Imaging Studies(If Any): Sedation/NMB (If Any) Midazolam_mcg/kg/min fentanyl __ mcg/kg/hr Diazepam(PO/IV) _ q__hr Lorazepam(PO/IV)_ q__hr Methadone _q__hr Morphine(PO/IV)_ Choral Hydrate_ q__ NMB__ Others(If Any):_ PRN(If Any):_ Musculoskeletal/Spine: normal Skin: no visible lesions or rashes. No jaundice,normal intergrity Lines/Access: Peripheral Line: _Site, _Days Central Venous Line:_Site, _Days Arterial Line:_Site, _Days Others:_Site, _Days Social: _ Assessment / plans /comments: _
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