_-day old infant born to a _ year old G_nP_ at _ weeks. No pregnancy or delivery problems. Mother was blood type _, HBsAg neg, rubella immune, GBS _, other labs also unremarkable. In the hospital, the patient received the initial HBV vaccine, passed the hearing screen, and had normal pulse ox screening. Since going home, the patient has been feeding well, stooling/voiding normally, and behaving normally. The mother has no concerns/questions today. Feeding via _, q_hr DEVELOPMENT: – Gross motor: Lifts head. – Fine motor: Moving all limbs equally. – Cognitive: Eyes appear to fix on objects/lights. – Social/Emotional: Appears to regard faces of others (at about 12 inches). – Communication: Behaving normally. SOCIAL HX: No smokers in the home. Stable, tranquil family. No major social stressors at home. Mother is doing well. FAMILY HX: No h/o SIDS, atopic disease
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