Well child – 0 mo
HISTORY: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="informant" value="provided by parent|provided by other|unobtainable d/t parental anxiety and/or lack of knowledge|interpretation provided by family member|interpretation provided by MA"] Hospital: [textarea cols=80 rows=1] Born: [textarea cols=10 rows=1][checkbox name="born" value="term|postterm|preterm"] BW: [textarea cols=10 rows=1] Bilirubin: [textarea cols=10 rows=1][checkbox name="bili" value="unknown|NL"] Hep B: [textarea cols=10 rows=1][checkbox name="hepb" value="maternal Neg|maternal Pos|maternal Unk|vaccine given|vaccine not given"] Newborn screening: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="screening" value="pending|unknown|normal"] Hearing screening: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="hearing" value="passed per parent|unknown|pending"] SPECIAL NEEDS: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="special" value="none|specialty"] FAMILY HISTORY: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="FHx" value="reviewed|Neg"] SOCIAL HISTORY: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="risk" value="none|child care|housing|single parent|working parent|siblings|maternal depression"] CONCERNS: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="concerns" value="none raised|questionnaire provided|reviewed"] REVIEW OF SYSTEMS General: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="child" value="doing well, alert to sights and sounds, quiets with comforting"] Nutrition: [textarea cols=10 rows=1][checkbox name="nutrition" value="no concerns|breast|formula|on demand|10-12 per day"] Urination: [textarea cols=10 rows=1][checkbox name="urination" value="no concerns|6-8 wet diapers per day"] Stooling: [textarea cols=10 rows=1][checkbox name="stooling" value="no concerns|passed meconium|green|yellow|soft"] Sleep: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="sleep" value="no concerns|crib"] DEVELOPMENT: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="weight" value="growth chart provided, discussed, developing well"] MILESTONES: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="milestones" value="sucks, swallows, breathes easily|follows face|turns and calms to caregiver voice"] EXAM Appearance: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="appearance" value="well-appearing|active, interactive|strong suck|crying|easily consoled|NWOB|moist mucous membranes|uncooperative with exam"] Skin: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="skin" value="pink, normal turgor|no jaundice|no bruises|erythema toxicum|milia"] Head: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="head" value="no skull deformities|both fontanelles open & soft||swelling"] Eyes: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="eyes" value="anicteric sclerae, blinks to light, red reflex bil|no discharge in corners|palpebral exudate"] Ears: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="ears" value="normal position, turns to sound"] Nose: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="nose" value="nares patent"] Mouth: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="mouth" value="oral mucosa moist & without lesions, tongue normal in appearance/size & with good movements, normal palate|strong suck|teeth not present"] Throat: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="throat" value="patent pharynx w/o swelling or exudates"] Neck: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="neck" value="supple, symmetrical ROM, turns head side to side"] Chest: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="chest" value="unlabored respirations, symmetric chest expansion, clavicles nontender & symmetrical, clear and equal breath sounds bilaterally"] Heart: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="heart" value="regular rate & rhythm, no murmurs"] Abdomen: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="abdomen" value="soft, nondistended, nontender, no obvious palpable masses, bowel sounds normal|umbilicus healing w/o infection"] Genitalia: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="genitalia" value="normal appearance|uncircumcised| circumcised healing well|testes down bilaterally"] Extremities: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="extremities" value="symmetrical FROM, normal palmar creases, five digits, hips w/ good abduction w/o clicks"] Peripheral vascular: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="peripheral" value="femoral pulses present & equal, normal perfusion"] Back: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="back" value="normal spine|no sacral dimpling"] Neuro: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="neuro" value="normal reflexes, newborn reflexes present & symmetrical, normal & symmetrical tone/strength"] LABORATORY/OFFICE DIAGNOSTICS: [textarea cols=60 rows=1][checkbox name="diagnostics" value="none|non-specific changes|reviewed & discussed with parent|normal|non-specific changes|official report to follow|pending"] IMMUNIZATION: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="immunization" value="none|per schedule|next visit"] OUTSIDE ORDERS/REFERRALS: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="orders" value="none|laboratory studies|diagnostic studies|specialty|WIC"] DISCUSSED AND/OR HANDOUT GIVEN/OFFERED: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="guide" value="crib safety, back to sleep, no bottle in bed, hand on baby, smoke detectors, hot liquids, smoke-free environment|signs of illness|feeding, burping, no solids, no honey, no cow milk|elimination|cord care|circumcision care|calming techniques"] FOLLOW UP: [textarea cols=80 rows=1][checkbox name="follow" value="2 months of age, sooner if concerns arise"]
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