### Chief Complaint ###
S U B J E C T I V E Patient states that they were was in their usual state of health until "[textarea="variable_10" default=""]" Patient seen and examined this morning. [select name="variable_26" value="***|No overnight events.|Patient was in their usual state of health until ***| "]. Patient [select name="variable_05" value=" *** denies any acute complaints***| *** denies any acute complaints and is tolerating the current therapeutic regimen without any difficulty.| *** endorses acute complaints to include: ****"]. Patient [select name="variable_06" value=" ***| denies any general improvement denies any general improvement in symptoms denies any general improvement since admission| denies any general improvement since yesterday| endorses a general improvement endorses a general improvement in symptoms endorses a general improvement since admission| endorses a general improvement since yesterday| continues to deny any general improvement since admission| continues to endorse a general improvement from admission| continues to endorse generalized pain without any significant improvement from yesterday| states they feel they have returned to their usual state of health.| states they feel they their health has returned to their baseline."]. Patient [checkbox name="variable_19" value="***SARS-CoV-2|ATTESTS TO|ABDOMINAL PAIN|CHEST PAIN|NAUSEA|SHORTNESS OF BREATH|VOMITING|"][checkbox name="variable_08" value="***|Patient denies any|abdominal pain|chest pain|nausea|shortness of breath|vomiting|"]. Patient is currently is *** in pain**"[text name="variable_11" default=""]" and rated a "[text name="variable_12" default=""]" out of 10. - The pain is described as " dull " - The pain is described as " sharp " - The pain is described as " crampy " - The pain is described as " an ache " - The pain is described as " X " R E V I E W - O F - S Y S T E M S Constitutional: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="***|No complaints of fever or chills|! COMPLAINS OF CHILLS. No complaints of fever|! COMPLAINS OF FEVER. No complaints of chills.|! COMPLAINS OF FEVER & CHILLS."] Eyes: [checkbox name"variable_2" value="***|No complaints of itching or burning|! COMPLAINS OF BURNING. No complaints of itching|! COMPLAINS OF ITCHING. No complaints of burning.|! COMPLAINS OF ITCHING & BURNING."] Ears, Nose, & Throat: [checkbox name"variable_2" value="***|- No complaints of sore throat or nosebleeds|- No complaints of sore throat. ! COMPLAINS OF NOSEBLEEDS|! COMPLAINS OF SORE THROAT. No complaints of nosebleeds|! COMPLAINS OF SORE THROAT & NOSEBLEEDS. Respiratory: [checkbox name"variable_3" value="***|No complaints of shortness of breath or wheezing.|- No complaints of shortness of breath. ! COMPLAINS OF WHEEZING|! COMPLAINS OF SHORTNESS OF BREATH. No complaints of wheezing|! COMPLAINS OF SHORTNESS OF BREATH & WHEEZING."] Cardiovascular: [checkbox name"variable_4" value="***|No complaints of chest pain or edema.|No complaints of chest pain.|! COMPLAINS OF EDEMA.|! COMPLAINS OF CHEST PAIN. No complaints of edema.|! COMPLAINS OF CHEST PAIN & EDEMA."] Gastrointestinal: [checkbox name"variable_2" value="***|No complaints of diarrhea or abdominal pain.| No complaints of diarrhea. COMPLAINS OF ABDOMINAL PAIN LOCALIZED TO (***).|COMPLAINS OF DIARRHEA (***# of times). No complaints of abdominal pain.| COMPLAINS OF DIARRHEA (***# of times) & ABDOMINAL PAIN LOCALIZED TO (***)."] Genitourinary: [checkbox name"variable_5" value="***|No complaints of discharge, hematuria, or burning with urination|! COMPLAINS OF|VAGINAL DISCHARGE|PENILE DISCHARGE|HEMATURIA|BURNING WITH URINATION||Denies|vaginal discharge|penile discharge|hematuria|burning with urination"] Musculoskeletal: [checkbox name"variable_28" value="***|No complaints of weakness, decreased range of motion, or back pain|! COMPLAINS OF|BACK PAIN|WEAKNESS IN LEFT ARM|WEAKNESS IN LEFT LEG|WEAKNESS IN RIGHT ARM|WEAKNESS IN RIGHT LEG|WEAKNESS IN UPPER EXTREMITIES BILATERALLY|WEAKNESS IN LOWER EXTREMITIES BILATERALLY||Denies|back pain|weakness in left arm|weakness left leg|weakness in right arm|weakness in right leg|weakness in upper extremities bilaterally|weakness in lower extremities bilatterally Hematology & Lymph Nodes: [checkbox name"variable_27" value="***|No complaints of bleeding or bruising|! COMPLAINS OF|BLEEDING|BRUISING||Denies|bleeding|bruising"] Immunologic:[checkbox name"variable_11" value="***|No complaints of rhinorrhea, sneezing, fever, or chills|! COMPLAINS OF|RHINORRHEA|SNEEZING|FEVER|CHILLS||Denies|rhinorrhea|sneezing|fever|chills"] Endocrinology: [checkbox name"variable_14" value="***|No complaints of thirst, night sweats, significant weight gain or weight loss|! COMPLAINS OF|THIRST|NIGHT SWEATS|SIGNIFICANT WEIGHT GAIN|SIGNIFICANT WEIGHT LOSS|Denies|thirst|night sweats|significant weight gain|significant weight loss|significant weight gain or weight loss"] Dermatological: [checkbox name"variable_8" value="***|No complaints of rashes, lesions, or ulcerations|! COMPLAINS OF|SKIN RASH|A LESION|LESIONS||Denies|skin rash|lesions"] Neurological: [checkbox name"variable_9" value="***|No complaints of numbness, tingling, or headache|! COMPLAINS OF|NUMBNESS|TINGLING|HEADACHE||Denies|numbness|tingling|headache"] Psychiatric: [checkbox name"variable_13" value="***|No complaints of anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation or homicidal ideation|! COMPLAINS OF|ANXIETY|DEPRESSION|SUICIDAL IDEATION|HOMICIDAL IDEATION||Denies|anxiety|depression|suicidal ideation|homicidal ideation"]
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