Skin – FB, Puncture, Bite
HISTORY: [checkbox name="historian" value="provided by patient||SO/family member present during visit|chaperon/MA present during visit||interpretation provided by family member/SO|interpretation provided by MA||complete history unobtainable d/t poor effort/affect|complete history unobtainable d/t cognitive changes or lack of knowledge|complete history unobtainable d/t language skills|"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] CC: [checkbox name="cc" value="skin FB|human bite|animal bite|plantar puncture wound|nail injury||dirty|clean|unknown|"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] LOCATION: [textarea cols=40 rows=1] HPI: [checkbox name="HPI" value="less than 12 hours ago|more than 12 hours ago|one day ago |more than one day ago||no loss of sensation|full range of motion of involved body part|no discharge||not wearing shoes|wearing rubber-soled shoes||animal known|animal unknown||tingling|loss of sensation distal to injury|distal pallor/cyanosis|distal weakness|wound discharge|"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] PMSH: [checkbox name="pmh" value="diabetes|smoker|PAD|immunosuppression|"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] TETANUS: [checkbox name="tetanus" value="up to date|less than five years ago|5-10 years ago|greater than 10 years ago|unknown"] REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: negative except as stated in HPI General:[textarea name="variable_5" default=" does not report fever, chills, fatigue, malaise, or weight changes"] HEENT:[textarea name="variable_6" default=" does not report headaches, vision changes, eye redness/discharge, pain with EOM, facial swelling, earache, ringing, ear discharge, nasal congestion, rhinorrhea, mouth sores, changes in taste, sore throat, neck swelling"] CV:[textarea name="variable_7" default=" does not report chest pain, SOB, palpitations, fainting, or ankle swelling"] Pulmonary:[textarea name="variable_8" default=" does not report shortness of breath, cough, wheezing, or chest wall pain with breathing"] GI:[textarea name="variable_9" default=" does not report poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, or diarrhea"] GU:[textarea name="variable_10" default=" does not report dysuria, hematuria, frequency, discharge, or bleeding"] MSK:[textarea name="variable_11" default=" does not report myalgias, arthralgias, localized muscle/soft tissues pain/swelling, or joint pain/swelling"] Neurologic:[textarea name="variable_13" default=" does not report dizziness, seizures, tremor, balance problems, weakness, or falls"] Psychiatric:[textarea name="variable_14" default=" does not report depression, anxiety, mood swings, memory loss, or insomnia"] Endocrine:[textarea name="variable_15" default=" does not report polyphagia, polydipsia, night sweats, hot flashes, or heat/cold intolerance"] Hematologic/lymphatic:[textarea name="variable_16" default=" does not report abnormal bleeding/bruising"] ---------------------------------------- General: [checkbox name="appearance" value="well-appearing||normal built|heavy built|muscular|lean|well-nourished|emaciated|frail||no signs of discomfort visible while sitting in chair|no signs of discomfort visible while ambulating and getting on/off exam table||ill-appearing|tired-looking|short of breath|diaphoretic||good hygiene|disheveled|bizarre clothes|body odor||drowsy|appears impaired|slumped||no ambulation aids/DME|ambulation requires walker|ambulation requires cane|ambulation requires wheelchair||wearing cervical collar|wearing lumbar support|wearing extremity brace|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Head/Face: [checkbox name="head" value="normocephalic, atraumatic|symmetrical face|CN grossly intact||plethoric face|alopecia|facial droop|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Eyes: [checkbox name="eyes" value="clear conjunctiva w/o exudates or hemorrhage, anicteric sclera, EOM intact without nystagmus|visual acuity grossly intact|cornea clear||glasses|contacts|conjunctival injection|epiphora|conjunctival exudate|allergic shiners|dysconjugate gaze|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Ears: [checkbox name="ears" value="symmetrical and intact auricles bilaterally|hearing to conversation intact||clear canals without erythema or discharge|TMs normal in appearance|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Nose: [checkbox name="nose" value="nares patent bilaterally|septum midline|no facial tenderness|mucosa pink and moist||swollen and boggy mucosa|mucosal congestion|clear discharge|yellow discharge|crusty discharge|rhinophyma|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Mouth/Troat: [checkbox name="mouth" value="normal voice, no stridor||tongue normal in appearance w/o lesions and with good symmetrical movements|moist oral mucosa without lesions||patent pharynx w/o swelling or exudates|uvula midline||upper denture|lower denture|poor dentition||oral ulcers|gum swelling|tooth decay||hoarseness|vesicles on soft palate|petechiae on soft palate|pharyngeal erythema w/o exudates|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Neck: [checkbox name="neck" value="symmetric with free painless ROM and no masses|supple|no LAD|no bruit or JVD||anterior LAD|posterior LAD||thyroid enlargement|nuchal tenderness|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Chest/Lungs: [checkbox name="lungs" value="normal work of breathing, symmetrical chest expansion|clear and equal breath sounds bilaterally||chest wall atraumatic and non-tender|no axillary or supraclavicular LAD||SOB|decreased bilaterally|wheezing|crackles|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] CV: [checkbox name="cv" value="regular rhythm|no murmurs|no ankle edema|pedal skin warm with good and equal pulses||tachycardia|irregular heart rhythm|systolic murmur||calf tenderness|ankle edema|varicosities|stasis discoloration|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Abdomen: [checkbox name="abd" value="normal visual inspection, no distension|normal active bowel sounds|soft non-tender|no bruit auscultated over AA and renal arteries||protruding|surgical scar|umbilical hernia|diffuse tenderness over entire abdomen w/o RRG|hypoactive bowel sounds|hyperactive bowel sounds|direct non-rebound tenderness|colostomy in situ||deferred|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] GU: [checkbox name="gu" value="no suprapubic tenderness|no CVAT bilaterally||Foley in situ|normal external genitalia|no inguinal LAD||testicular tenderness|urethral discharge|verrucous papules|vesicles|crusted lesions||deferred|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] MSK: [checkbox name="spine" value="no gross deformities, moves all extremities with good ROM for age|full weight-bearing|normal curvature and ROM in C- and L-spine for patient age|strength, tone, and bulk symmetrical and grossly intact||non-tender C-spine with good ROM|paraspinal muscle spasm|C-spine tenderness and DROM|neck pain with active motion|paracervical muscle spasm|old surgical scar in C-spine|trapezius tenderness||kyphosis||non-tender L-spine with good ROM|paraspinal muscle spasm|L-spine tenderness|reduced painful ROM in lumbar region|trigger points in L-spine|old surgical scar in L-spine||heel-walk and toe-walk without difficulty|negative seated SLR|positive seated SLR|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Neuro: [checkbox name="neuro" value="normal concentration and attention|memory grossly intact||balance and coordination grossly intact|ambulates w/o limp or alteration in gait||extremities strong w/o atrophy|no gross motor deficits|sensation symmetrical and grossly intact||no involuntary movements or tremor||antalgic gait|wide gait|shuffling gait||diffuse numbness w/o dermatomal pattern|dystonia|tardive dyskinesia|tics|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Speech/Vocalization: [checkbox name="speech" value="normal for age|clear and coherent||slurred|mumbling to self|monotonous|stuttering||hypoverbal|hyperverbal||shouting|high pitched|loud|soft||slow|rapid|pressured||groaning|sighing|crying||perseveration|flight of ideas|repetitive questions||self-depreciating statements|repetitive statements of impending doom|repetitive non-health related/financial concerns||personal safety concerns|suicidal ideation/threats||requesting particular medication, test, referral, or accommodation||raising voice|defensive|argumentative|cursing, swearing|providers/staff criticisms|verbal threats|sexual remarks|racist remarks|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Behavior/Psychomotor Activity: [checkbox name="behavior" value="calm, pleasant, respectful|cooperative with history and exam|engaged|good eye contact||guarded|anxious|irritable|frustrated|labile||agitated|hostile|forceful||threatening gestures|aggressive posturing|pacing|not sitting down||fidgeting|picking skin|twirling hair|cracking knuckles|frequent hand gestures||grimacing, frowning|tightening jaw|breathing hard|fist-clenching|intense staring||subdued|withdrawn|constricted affect|bradykinetic|indifferent|appears to be responding to internal psychotic process|"][textarea cols=50 rows=3] Affected Area: [checkbox name="affected_area" value="FB visualized inside|FB not visualized|surrounded by erythema/swelling|surrounded by induration|surrounded by ecchymosis|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] NVT: [checkbox name="nvt" value="sensation (simple touch) intact|normal capillary refill/pulses|demonstrated FROM against resistance"] OFFICE X-RAYS: [textarea cols=30 rows=1] [checkbox name="wet" value="not indicated|essentially normal|no FB visible||staff to notify patient once radiology report becomes available|"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] PLAN OF CARE: [checkbox name="poc" value="POC risks/benefits/alternatives discussed with patient/parent/SO, opportunity provided to ask questions|verbalized understanding of and agreement with POC, discharge & f/u instructions||verbalized understanding that X-rays reviewed online not diagnostic quality|verbalized understanding that retained FB cannot be completely ruled out by X-rays and may cause serious infection|verbalized understanding of significant risk of infection even while taking abx||did not agree with my POC/recommendations – will seek second opinion/further care elsewhere|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] PROCEDURE: [checkbox name="prep" value="restrains used||skin cleaned with wound cleanser|skin cleaned with hibiclens|skin cleaned with Betadine||draped in normal sterile fashion||anesthetized locally with lidocaine 1%|anesthetized locally with lidocaine 2%||wound edges enlarged|wound explored locally||no foreign material visible|foreign material minimal|foreign material moderate|foreign material extensive||no tendons visible|tendons appear intact||wound irrigated with plenty of NS|foreign material removed partially|foreign material removed completely||wound left open|bleeding insignificant stopped with pressure||covered with non-adherent dressing|applied bulky gauze dressing||NVT reassessment intact||splint/brace applied||patient tolerated procedure well|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] RX: [checkbox name="order_RX" value="none|electronic|paper|given to MA to be transmitted to pharmacy|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] REVIEWED: [checkbox name="reviewed" value="MA notes|med list|previous visits|PMP/CURES|previous laboratory/diagnostic studies|hospital discharge|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] VERBALLY INSTRUCTED ON: [checkbox name="instructions" value="vital signs/exam findings/recommendations|x-ray findings||returning immediately or contacting 911 for increasing pain, swelling, redness, drainage, fever, trouble moving digits, digits turning cold/blue/grey||keeping wound dry|cleaning area with soap and water after 24 hours|changing dressing daily|avoiding ointments||controlling chronic conditions|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] BARRIERS TO CARE: [checkbox name="barriers" value="language barrier|socio-cultural factors||poor effort/cooperation with exam|incomplete history|history not supported by findings|vague complaints||supporting documentation unavailable|failed to obtain old records|failed to complete referrals or testing|| multiple comorbidities|polypharmacy|multiple providers/prescribers|intolerance of/allergty to/therapeutic failure on multiple meds||frequent ER/UC visits|frequent office contacts||poor compliance with POC|negative attitude to proposed tx|lack of interest in non-drug tx||overreliance on short-acting meds|overwhelming focus on Rx drugs||poor insight|lack of motivation|dependent attitude||preoccupation with illness|unhealthy coping mechanisms|somatization|catastrophization|pessimism|overgeneralization|unrealistic health beliefs||psych comorbidity|anxiety|depression|alcohol or substance use||social or occupational dysfunction|secondary gain||hostile/disruptive behavior|affect||none noted at this time|"][textarea cols=50 rows=1] DISPOSITION: [checkbox name="disposition" value="RTC as discussed, sooner if condition worsens or new symptoms arise, contact 911/ER if significant increase in s/sx or NVT compromise||RTC 24 hours|RTC 48 to 72 hours|RTC 1 week||referred to burn center for further management|referred to ER for immediate treatment via 911|referred to ER for immediate treatment via private transport||declined emergency transfer|left facility before being discharged|asked to leave clinic|"][textarea cols=70 rows=1]
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