[checkbox value="CC:"] [checkbox value="I feel hot|I feel cold"] [checkbox value="I feel tired|I feel energetic"] [checkbox value="I feel hungry|I feel full"] [checkbox value="HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS"] [checkbox value="#Hyperthyroidism|#Hypothyroidism"] [checkbox value="Diagnosed in X"] [checkbox value="#T2DM|#T1DM|No H/o DM|"] [checkbox value="Diagnosed in X|"] [checkbox name="Checkbloodsugar" value="Does not check blood sugars at home. |Checks blood sugars 1-2x per day at home|Checks blood sugars 2-3x per day at home"] ASSESSMENT/PLAN [checkbox value="#Diabetes mellitus|#T2DM|#T1DM. "] [checkbox value="Likely type 1 based on her history.|Likely type 1 based on her history of X.|Likely type 2 based on her history.|Likely type 2 based on her history of X.|"] [checkbox name="COMPLICATIONS" value="Complicated by|end-stage renal disease|dialysis for (X) years|proliferative retinopathy|peripheral neuropathy|"] [comment memo="P L A N"] [checkbox value="-LDL >: repeat Lipid profile atleast every 4months until LDL < X. Last: Due:|-LDL <: check Lipid profile atleast Tri-monthly. Last Done: Next Due|"] [checkbox value="-Hba1c >7: cont. to recheck atleast every 3 months until <7%. Last: X Due: X|-Hba1c <7: cont. to recheck atleast every year. Last: X Next: X|"] [checkbox value="-Cr >X: cont. to recheck atleast every 3 months until kidney function yearly. Last: X Due: X|-Cr <X: cont. to recheck atleast every 3 months until kidney function yearly. Last: X Due: X|"] [checkbox value="-Annual Eye exam. Last: X Next: X|"] [checkbox value="-Annual foot exam. Last: X Next: X|"] [checkbox value="-microalbuminuria: Recheck urine albumin atleast q1y. Last Done: Next Due"] +/-ABI indicated
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