GOALS OF CARE: Rehabilitation (improved function). Skilled nursing care (e.g., manage wounds, medical devices, catheters, ostomy). Monitoring/supervision to avoid clinical complications. Improve compliance with medications and treatments. Patient/Family education. Respite (temporary relief for caregiver). Palliative/terminal care. Reduce hospitalizations and/or ER visits. Supportive living/supervision. Behavior stabilization. REFERRING TO WHICH PROGRAM: Skilled care in home Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) ADL assistance (personal care) in home Chore services (homemaker) in home Adult Day Health Care Residential care (supervised living) Assisted Living Domiciliary care Short-term nursing home care (subacute care, rehab) Long-term nursing home care Outpatient Respite Care Inpatient Respite Care Specialized Dementia/Geropsych Care Inpatient Palliative/Hospice Care (NHCU) Outpatient Palliative/Hospice Care (Home) All-inclusive care or PACE program Home Telehealth ESTIMATED DURATION OF SERVICES: 2-3 months PROGNOSIS: In the last 7 days, the patient HAS NOT experienced a flare-up of a recurrent or chronic health problem. The direct care staff (MD, RN, Rehabilitation) thinks the patient IS capable of increased independence (in ADL's, IADL's, or mobility). The patient DOES NOT HAVE a limited life expectancy (likely to be less than 6 months). WEIGHT BEARING STATUS: Patient is partial weight-bearing. DIET: The patient is on a regular diet. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Hospital bed Special mattress Trapeze Walker Cane Wheelchair ADL equipment Orthotic or splint Other equipment: prostesis SUPPLIES NEEDED: Catheters Tubing Dressings Wrappings Tape Glucose Strips Ostomy Supplies Saline Other Supplies: s Other Comments: Consult to Geriatrics/Extended Care ordered.
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