Medicine Admit Opener

PT is our
[textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"]

who was admitted for 
[textarea name="variable_2" default="sample text"]

24 timeline
- nephrostomy tube
- blood counts
- received blood 
- repeat pending
- tmax
- bp max
- hr max
- rr
- 2L
- bg max 
- # of insulin
- I/o


- Pt endorses improvement since yesterday. 
- Chest Pain improved since admission
- Pain 6 of 10. down from 10 of 10
- Moving Bm, 2x w/ 1 prior to interview
- appetite 
- able to hold down liquids
- nausea / vomiting - none
- no f/c/n/v
- no
- urination w/ foley in place 
- otherwise no other complaints


- vitals
- tmax 24

- over appears in no acute distress saturating *** on ***
- Lungs had mild expiratory wheezing that improved with cough
- non indurated

- repeat cbc pending
- rfp
- culture

- confirmatory imaging 

[textarea name="variable_3" default="sample text"]

- tolerating current regimen


- Problem #1. Acute on Chronic Hypoxic Respiratory Failure
[textarea name="variable_4" default="sample text"]

- Problem #2. Diabetes
[textarea name="variable_5" default="sample text"]

- Problem #3. Nephrostomy Tube
[textarea name="variable_6" default="sample text"]
PT is our

who was admitted for

24 timeline
- nephrostomy tube
- blood counts
- received blood
- repeat pending
- tmax
- bp max
- hr max
- rr
- 2L
- bg max
- # of insulin
- I/o


- Pt endorses improvement since yesterday.
- Chest Pain improved since admission
- Pain 6 of 10. down from 10 of 10
- Moving Bm, 2x w/ 1 prior to interview
- appetite
- able to hold down liquids
- nausea / vomiting - none
- no f/c/n/v
- no
- urination w/ foley in place
- otherwise no other complaints


- vitals
- tmax 24

- over appears in no acute distress saturating *** on ***
- Lungs had mild expiratory wheezing that improved with cough
- non indurated

- repeat cbc pending
- rfp
- culture

- confirmatory imaging


- tolerating current regimen


- Problem #1. Acute on Chronic Hypoxic Respiratory Failure

- Problem #2. Diabetes

- Problem #3. Nephrostomy Tube

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