### Nausea/Vomiting/Reflux – Plan ###

# Nausea/Vomiting/Reflux
- Zofran PRN
- Zantac 3mg BID (stop after approximately one week)***
- Prilosec 1mg/kg qday
- ***s/p EGD completed ***today***-***normal***
- ***s/p Esophagram ***yesterday***-****normal***
- GI recommendations appreciated
- Miralax 17 gram daily prn
- may also benefit from speech therapy if limited solid food intake seems to be more due to a texture issues than pain
# Nausea/Vomiting/Reflux
- Zofran PRN
- Zantac 3mg BID (stop after approximately one week)***
- Prilosec 1mg/kg qday
- ***s/p EGD completed ***today***-***normal***
- ***s/p Esophagram ***yesterday***-****normal***
- GI recommendations appreciated
- Miralax 17 gram daily prn
- may also benefit from speech therapy if limited solid food intake seems to be more due to a texture issues than pain

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