NPNE Residential Note

Reason for visit/Chief Complaint: weekly medical progress note
[text name="variable_cc2" default=""]

Admit date: [date name="variable_1" default=""] 
[select name="variable_lastnamepronoun" value="Mr.|Ms.|Mx."] [text name="variable_ptname" default=""] is admitted for medically managed detoxification and subsequent residential substance use treatment for [checkbox name="sud" value="alcohol use|amphetamine use|methamphetamine use|cannabis use|synthetic cannabis use|sedative use|benzodiazepine use|hypnotic use|anxiolytic use|stimulant use|opioid use|codeine use|heroin use|fentanyl use|oxycodone use|kratom use|phenibut use|crack use|xanax use|ativan use|cocaine use|adderall/vyvanse/ritalin use|hallucinogens use|MDMA use|Ketamine use|inhalants use|other psychoactive substances|polysubstance use"] secondary to the inability to maintain sobriety independently. 

Interval Medical History
[checkbox name="medcc1" value="- Acute Medical Concerns: denies any acute medical concerns"]
[checkbox name="medcc2" value="- Health Status: denies any changes to their current health status"]
[checkbox name="medcc3" value="- Medication Side Effects: denies any ADR or side effects to medications"]
[checkbox name="medcc9" value="- Medication Side Effects: endorses any side effects to medications"]
[checkbox name="medcc5" value="- Reported Concerns: no reported complaints by staff regarding patient"]
[checkbox name="medcc6" value="- Medication Adherence: reported adherence"]
[checkbox name="medcc7" value="- Medication Adherence: reported nonadherence"]
[checkbox name="medccMAT" value="- Medication Assisted Treatment: currently rx'd MAT"]
[checkbox name="medccMAT2" value="- Medication Assisted Treatment: not currently rx'd MAT"]
[checkbox name="medcc8" value="Updates on the progress of previously identified health issues include:"]
[checkbox name="medcc011" value="Changes in medication/treatment plan include:"][textarea name="concerns" default=""] 
[select name="variable_12427" value="|- Safety: This patient is currently on a risk precaution for"] [checkbox name="variable_1" value="fall risk| seizure risk| suicide risk|self-harm risk|AMA risk"]. [checkbox name="variable_riskfs" value="This patient has not had any incidences regarding this risk factor.|This patient has had any incidences regarding this risk factor"]
[checkbox memo="Quick Recovery Note" name="If_qrn" value=""][conditional field="If_qrn" condition="(If_qrn).is('')"]
- Psychiatric Symptoms: Reports their depression is [select name="depression" value="|low|minimal|variable|manageable|medium|moderate|high|stable|episodic|present, but stable|present and unstable|unstable|stagnant|significantly better|somewhat better|somewhat worse|much worse|0/10|1/10|2/10|3/10|4/10|5/10|6/10|7/10|8/10|9/10|10/10"]; reports their anxiety is [select name="anxiety" value="|low|minimal|variable|manageable|medium|moderate|high|stable|episodic|present, but stable|present and unstable|unstable|stagnant|significantly better|somewhat better|somewhat worse|much worse|0/10|1/10|2/10|3/10|4/10|5/10|6/10|7/10|8/10|9/10|10/10"]. 
- Sleep Disturbances: Reports their sleep is [select name="sleep" value="stable|unstable|stagnant|significantly better|somewhat better|somewhat worse|much worse|"] [select name="sleepprob" value="|without any nightmares, interruptions, or dreams of substance use|with difficulties falling asleep|with difficulties with frequent awakenings|with difficulties staying asleep| difficulties with nightmares|with restless legs|with sleep apnea|with detox symptoms"].
- Cravings: noted to be [select name="variable_cr" value="moderate due to both external and internal triggers|minimal due to being in a protected environment and manageable with coping skills|minimal due to being in a protected environment and manageable with coping skills and MAT"].
[checkbox memo="SI/HI/AVH" name="If_asci" value=""][conditional field="If_asci" condition="(If_asci).is('')"] 
- SI/SH/HI/AVH: Patient [select name="variable_si2" value="denies|endorses"] [select name="variable_si3" value="suicidal ideation|passive suicidal ideation|current hallucinations|suicidal and homicidal ideation|suicidal and homicidal ideation| hallucinations|paranoia|hallucinations and paranoia| active suicidal ideation| active suicidal ideation without intent or plan| active suicidal ideation with plan and without intent| homicidal ideation| self-harm ideation without the intent to die|"]
[checkbox memo="RECOVERY PROGRESS" name="If_rp" value=""][conditional field="If_rp" condition="(If_rp).is('')"]
Recovery Progress:  
During examination, this patient [select name="variable_6" value="is polite and cooperative|interactive|has limited in their engagement with this conversation|is polite, but has limited engagment in this conversation|is withdrawn|is guarded|is hostile|is questioning|is demanding|is agitated|is anxious|is tearful|is manic|is dysregulated|is dysthymic|is euthymic|is irritable"]. 
- Depressive symptoms: Reported to be [select value="low|minimal|variable|manageable|medium|moderate|high|stable|present, but stable|present and unstable|unstable|stagnant|significantly better|somewhat better|somewhat worse|much worse|"]. [select value="||This could be attributed to|Current stability is attributed to|Current instability is attributed to |Recent improvement is attributed to |Recent exacerbation is attributed to |Lack of improvement is attributed to |"] [checkbox value="the continuation of current medications|the recent medication changes|dissatisfaction with medications|the positive response to medications|the lack of response to medications|situational stressors|situational stressors related to family|finanicial stressors|legal stressors|in-home stressors|in-facility stressors|home sickness|loneliness|grief|trauma|the adjustment to the environment|the incorporation of self-care|engaging with peers|engaging in individual therapy|engaging in group therapy|practicing coping skills|practicing TIPP skills|practicing STOP skills|practicing breathing excersise|the lack of application of coping skills|the lack of knowledge of coping skills|cravings for substances |abstaining from substance use|return to inpatient care|detox symptoms|post-acute withdrawal symptoms|decline in mental health|decline in physical health|improvement in mental health|improvement in physical health|changes in sleep patterns|lack of sleep|pain|upcoming discharge|discharge plan|unable to assess"]. [select name="variable_si" value="|Patient denies SI.| Patient endorses SI without plan or intent.| Patient endorses SI with plan.| Patient endorses self harming thoughts."]
- Anxiety symptoms: Reported to be [select value="low|minimal|variable|manageable|medium|moderate|high|stable|episodic|present, but stable|present and unstable|unstable|stagnant|significantly better|somewhat better|somewhat worse|much worse|"].  [select value="||This could be attributed to|Current stability is attributed to|Current instability is attributed to|Recent improvement is attributed to |Recent exacerbation is attributed to |Lack of improvement is attributed to | "] [checkbox value="the continuation of current medications|the recent medication changes|dissatisfaction with medications|the positive response to medications|the lack of response to medications|situational stressors|situational stressors related to family|finanicial stressors|legal stressors|in-home stressors|in-facility stressors|home sickness|loneliness|grief|trauma|the adjustment to the environment|the incorporation of self-care|engaging with peers|engaging in individual therapy|engaging in group therapy|practicing coping skills|practicing TIPP skills|practicing STOP skills|practicing breathing excersise|the lack of application of coping skills|the lack of knowledge of coping skills|cravings for substances |abstaining from substance use|return to inpatient care|detox symptoms|post-acute withdrawal symptoms|decline in mental health|decline in physical health|improvement in mental health|improvement in physical health|changes in sleep patterns|lack of sleep|pain|upcoming discharge|discharge plan|unable to assess"]. Anxiety is reported to be present [select value="occasionally.|mostly around situational stressors.|almost never.|about 50% of the time.|about 50-80% of the time.|most of the time on most days.|almost always.|"]
- Sleep is reported to be [select value="stable|unstable|stagnant|significantly better|somewhat better|somewhat worse|much worse|"]. [select value="|without any nightmares, interruptions, or dreams of substance use|This could be attributed to|Current stability is attributed to|Current instability is attributed to |Recent improvement is attributed to |Recent exacerbation is attributed to |Lack of improvement is attributed to | with difficulties falling asleep| with difficulties with frequent awakenings|with difficulties staying asleep|with difficulties with nightmares|with difficulties with oversleeping"] [checkbox value="the continuation of current medications|the recent medication changes|the lack of response to medications|the positive response to medications|anxiety|legal issues|situational stressors|detox symptoms|the adjustment in sleep environment|lifestyle improvements|engaging in individual therapy|pain|upcoming discharge|with sleep hygiene education"][textarea].
- Focus: [select name="variable_f123" value=" Patient reports adequate focus during groups|Patient reports adequate focus during groups and with peers|Patient reports poor attention and concentration in conversations with peers and staff| Patient reports poor attention and concentration in groups|Patient reports difficulty concentrating throughout the day|Patient reports poor attention and concentration in groups|Patient reports having difficulty with memory|Unable to assess|Unable to assess due to poor group attendance"].
- Cravings: [select name="variable_cr" value="cravings are moderate due to both external and internal triggers|cravings are minimal due to being in a protected environment and manageable with coping skills|cravings are minimal due to being in a protected environment and manageable with coping skills and MAT"]
- Appetite: [select name="variable_ap" value="denies any changes or concerns with appetite|reports poor appetite| nutritionally deficient|reports flucuation in appetite| reports eating disorder disturbance|reports eating greater than 50% of each meal| reports eating less than 50% of each meal| reports bulimic episodes AEB vomitting after eating|reports restricting diet|reports eating snack and meals daily"]
[checkbox memo="Chronic Care" name="If_cci" value=""][conditional field="If_cci" condition="(If_cci).is('')"]Past Medical History:
[textarea name="variable_knowme" default=""]
[comment memo="COMMON STATEMENTS:
- current treatment:
- reported concerns:
- response to treatment:
- updates to treatment:
- no acute findings
- Pending lab findings to inform further management
- Pending lab findings to determine current health status
- Pending lab findings to determine current health status and inform further management
- Chronicity and stability established in previous notes, no further management needed at this time. Revisit plan of care if exacerbation occurs"]
[remark memo="Replace word NUMBER with numeral in field names chrNUMBER, controlNUMBER, symptomsNUMBER, currenttxNUMBER, prevtxNUMBER, ptxNUMBER1, ptxNUMBER2, ptxNUMBER3, medtxNUMBER, MedSideEffectsNUMBER, dxreqNUMBER, SatisfiedNUMBER, OtherSpecsNUMBER, and OtherDetailsNUMBER "]
[checkbox memo="#NUMBER" memo_size="small" name="chrNUMBER" value="-Chronic Condition-"][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][comment memo="-------------BEGIN CONDITION NUMBER-------------"][comment memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" memo="select one ▼▼"][frontload soapnote="sample/drgfms-include-condition-dropdown/"]
- [textarea memo="◀︎◀︎ and/or freetext" memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" rows="2" cols="50"]
 - Patient reports that the condition is [select name="controlNUMBER" value="well controlled|not well controlled|stable|unchanged from last visit|improved from last visit|worse than at last visit"]
 - Currently, [select name="symptomsNUMBER" value="the patient notes there are no symptoms.|symptoms are present including"][/conditional][conditional field="symptomsNUMBER" condition="(symptomsNUMBER).is('symptoms are present including')"] [checkbox value="pain|fatigue|shortness of breath|palpitations|nausea|vomiting|abdominal pain|urinary symptoms"][text default="."]
[/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][checkbox name="currenttxNUMBER" memo="current treatment" value=""][/conditional][conditional field="currenttxNUMBER" condition="(currenttxNUMBER).is('')"] 
 - Current treatments include [select name="medtxNUMBER" value="no medications.|medications including "][/conditional][conditional field="medtxNUMBER" condition="(medtxNUMBER).is('medications including ')"][textarea]. [select name="MedSideEffectsNUMBER" value="The patient denies side effects|The patient complains of side effects including "][/conditional][conditional field="MedSideEffectsNUMBER" condition="(MedSideEffectsNUMBER).is('The patient complains of side effects including ')"][checkbox value="|shortness of breath|dysnpea on exertion|orthostasis|diaphoresis|dizziness|drowsiness|vision changes|headache|dry mouth|sore throat|chest pain|palpitations|back pain|diahrrea|constipation|skin rash|insomnia|nausea|abdominal pain|vomitting|suicidal thoughts|anxiety|malaise"][textarea cols="50" rows="2" memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" memo="◀︎◀︎ include more here."][comment memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" memo=" Add a space/comma/period in front, as appropriate, if any above are selected"].[/conditional][conditional field="currenttxNUMBER" condition="(currenttxNUMBER).is('')"] [select name="othertxNUMBER" value="No other treatments are noted.|Additional treatments include "][/conditional][conditional field="othertxNUMBER" condition="(othertxNUMBER).is('Additional treatments include ')"][textarea cols="50" rows="2"]. 
[/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][checkbox name="prevtxNUMBER" memo="previous treatments" value=""][/conditional][conditional field="prevtxNUMBER" condition="(prevtxNUMBER).is('')"]
 -Previous treatments include [checkbox name="ptxNUMBER1" value="  -#1 - "][/conditional][conditional field="ptxNUMBER1" condition="(ptxNUMBER1).is('  -#1 - ')"][text size="60"], reason discontinued [checkbox value="intolerable side effects|no improvement"][textarea memo="other reason" memo_size="small" memo_color="blue"]
[/conditional][conditional field="prevtxNUMBER" condition="(prevtxNUMBER).is('')"][checkbox name="ptxNUMBER2" value="  -#2 - "][/conditional][conditional field="ptxNUMBER2" condition="(ptxNUMBER2).is('  -#2 - ')"][text size="60"], reason discontinued - [checkbox value="intolerable side effects|no improvement"][textarea memo="other reason" memo_size="small" memo_color="blue"]
[/conditional][conditional field="prevtxNUMBER" condition="(prevtxNUMBER).is('')"][checkbox name="ptxNUMBER3" value="  -#3 - "][/conditional][conditional field="ptxNUMBER3" condition="(ptxNUMBER3).is('  -#3 - ')"][text size="60"], reason discontinued - [checkbox value="intolerable side effects|no improvement"][textarea memo="other reason" memo_size="small" memo_color="blue"]
[/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][checkbox memo="patient requests/needs diagnostic or lab tests" name="dxreqNUMBER" value=""][/conditional][conditional field="dxreqNUMBER" condition="(dxreqNUMBER).is('')"]
 - Patient [select value="needs|is due for|requests"] diagnostic testing including [comment memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" memo="select any number from below ▼▼"][checkbox value="CBC|CMP|Fasting Lipids|A1c|gout/uric acid labs|Thyroid labs|TSH|Free T4|Vitamin B12|Vitamin D|lupus labs|rheumatoid arthritis labs|lyme disease labs|RMSF labs|COVID-19 antibodies|COVID-19 nasopharyngeal swab|STI testing|X-ray|CT|MRI|Ultrasound"][textarea cols="50" rows="2" memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" memo="◀︎◀︎ include more here."][comment memo_size="small" memo_color="blue" memo=" Add a space/comma/period in front, as appropriate, if any above are selected"].
[/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][checkbox memo="Other specialists comanage the condition" name="OtherSpecsNUMBER" value=""][/conditional][conditional field="OtherSpecsNUMBER" condition="(OtherSpecsNUMBER).is('')"]
 - Other specialists comanaging - [textarea rows="2" cols="50"][/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][checkbox memo="Other details" name="OtherDetailsNUMBER" value=""][/conditional][conditional field="OtherDetailsNUMBER" condition="(OtherDetailsNUMBER).is('')"]
[textarea default=""][/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"][checkbox memo="Patient satisfied with treatment" name="PtSatisfied" value=""][/conditional][conditional field="PtSatisfied" condition="(PtSatisfied).is('')"]
- Pt [select name="SatisfiedNUMBER" value="|is|is not"] satisfied with current management[/conditional][conditional field="SatisfiedNUMBER" condition="(SatisfiedNUMBER).is('is not')"]; [text memo="details" size=60].[/conditional][conditional field="SatisfiedNUMBER" condition="(SatisfiedNUMBER).is('is')"].[/conditional][conditional field="chrNUMBER" condition="(chrNUMBER).is('-Chronic Condition-')"]
[comment memo="--------------END CONDITION NUMBER--------------"][/conditional][/conditional]
[checkbox memo="Acute Issues" name="If_aci" value=""][conditional field="If_aci" condition="(If_aci).is('')"] 
Acute Issues:
[textarea name="variable_2045" default=""]  
Review/ Management:     
I reviewed the following information: medical hx, medications, allergies, physical exams and progress notes, V/S     
I obtained collateral information from: [checkbox name="variable_who" value="nursing|psychiatry|counselors|leadership"]
ROS: Pertinent Neg and Pos discussed in HPI 
Physical examination:    
[VSS and patient asymptomatic]    
Constitutional: cooperative, [select name="variable_general" value="in no acute distress|intoxicated|fatigue| anxious appearing| restless| agitated| guarded"], [select name="variable_3" value="well-kempt|poorly kempt|appropriately dressed|inappropriately dressed|appropriately groomed|inappropriately groomed| appears stated age| appears older than stated age| appears younger than stated age| poor nutritional appearence| under-nourished| well-nourished"]   
Neuro: [select name="variable_neuro" value="A&O| A&Ox1|A&Ox2|A&Ox3|unable to determine|neurocognitive deficit seen| fatigue "] 
Respiratory: lung sounds clear, no accessory muscle use    
Cardiac: RRR, no m/r/g, [select name="variable_edema" value="no edema|+1 edema|+2 edema| pitting edema present"]  
GI: abdomen soft, non-distended, non-tender. Bowel tones normoactive
Psych: [select name="variable_8" value="calm and cooperative||calm|normal|upbeat|euthymic|depressed|dysthmic|neutral|anxious|hostile|irritable|tearful"] 

Impression: This patient was admitted due to an unstable pattern of substance use [checkbox name="variable_147" value="secondary to the inability to maintain sobriety independently"]. [select name="variable_time" value="Since admission|Over this last week|Over the last 24 hours|"], [select name="variable_howdo" value="this patient's clinical improvement is still in progress|this patient is pending clinical improvement||this patient's clinical improvement has been achieved|there has been minimal clinical improvement|there has been minimal clinical improvement due to resistence|this patient's clinical improvement has plateaued"]. Our team will continue to monitor and provide therapeutic intervention and medication management within a protected environment.

# Substance use treatment
This patient continues to reasonably benefit from admission in a protected and structured environment to prevent relapse via medical and mental health support, medication management, therapeutic interventions and education, skill development, and holistic therapies. 
Continue and Monitor:    
- Continue to monitor recovery in a protected environment 
- Encourage to engage in group sessions, individual therapy sessions, and outings per treatment plan  
- Coordinate treatment with the psychiatric team 
- Encourage engagement in ongoing relapse prevention and aftercare plan    
- [checkbox name="variable_MATinfo" value="SUD craving medication:"] [select name="variable_MATnow" value="|none|still deciding|declined all options|naltrexone PO| naltrexone PO with subsequent vivitrol injection on discharge|acamprosate|not applicable|gabapentin|topirmate|naltrexone PO and acamprosate|naltrexone with subsequent vivitrol injection on discharge and campral| previously completed naltrexone| previously completed acamprosate| previously completed vivitrol|suboxone|suboxone with subsequent sublocade injection"] 
- [checkbox name="variable_labsadmit" value="Pending admission lab results to assess overall health status and guide treatment plan"]
[checkbox memo="Admission Labs" name="labs" value=""][checkbox memo="MAT" name="mat" value=""]
[checkbox memo="Liver Conditions" name="If_liver" value=""][conditional field="If_liver" condition="(If_liver).is('')"]
# [select name="LD" value=" ||Elevated liver enzymes|Fatty liver disease| Liver disease| Alcoholic Hepatitis| Hepatitis C| Hepatitis B| Alcoholic Liver Disease| Cirrhosis| Pancreatitis|Viral Hepatitis|Liver cancer| Gallbladder disease"]
[checkbox name="LD" value="- No acute concerns note on follow up"][checkbox name="LDinfo" value="- Chronicity and stability established on admission, no further management needed at this time. Revisit plan of care if exacerbation occurs"][checkbox name="LDnoinf" value="- Pending lab findings to determine current health status and inform further management"]
[checkbox name="variable_125" value="- Acute findings include:"][text name="variable_1252" default=""]
[checkbox name="LDavoid" value="- Avoid drugs that cause hepatocellular injury and cholesteric abnormalities"][checkbox name="variable_folw" value="- Follow up with PCP upon discharge"][/conditional]
[checkbox memo="Hypertension" name="If_htn" value=""][conditional field="If_htn" condition="(If_htn).is('')"]# [select name="HTN" value=" |Hypertension|Elevated BP without a dx of HTN|Congestive heart failture| Heart disease"]
Health status:
[select name="variable_stable" value="|-- stable BP, asymptomatic|-- unstable BP, asymptomatic|-- unstable BP, symptomatic|-- stable BP, symptomatic"]
[checkbox name="htnplannurse" value="-- Nursing to complete V/S checks as indicated by the provider or protocol"]
[checkbox name="htnplan" value="-- Patient is going through acute withdrawal from ETOH; pt blood pressures will be labile"]
[checkbox name="htnplancont" value="-- Continue MAR medications"][text name="variable_1242" default=""]
[checkbox name="htnplanstart" value="-- Treatment adjustments:"][text name="variable_medst" default=""]
[checkbox name="htnplanmedno" value="-- Patient is not on medications"]
Follow up:
[checkbox name="htnplanfu" value="-- Follow up with PCP upon discharge"][/conditional]
[checkbox memo="Diabetes" name="If_dm22" value=""][conditional field="If_dm22" condition="(If_dm22).is('')"]# [select name="DM" value=" |Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications|Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia|Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complications|Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia|Other specified diabetes mellitus|Prediabetes"]
Health status:
[checkbox name="dmplangoa1" value="-- BG WNL"]
[checkbox name="dmplangoal" value="-- e/o hyperglycemia|-- e/o hypoglycemia episodes"]
[checkbox name="dmplannogo" value="-- Chronicity and stability established on admission"]
[checkbox name="dmplanmedno" value="-- Continue current medications"]
[checkbox name="dmplanmedn2o" value="-- Medications adjusted:"][textarea name="variable_1d1m" default=""]
[checkbox name="dmplanmedn2o" value="-- Patient is not on medications"]
-- [select name="variable_1520z" value="|Monitor BG QIDAC+HS|Monitor BG BID|Monitor BG TID|Monitor BG QID|Monitor BG QD|Monitor BG Q Weekly"]
[checkbox name="variable_2202xs" value="-- Patient is electing not to monitor blood glucose"]
Follow up:
[checkbox name="variable_103xcv" value="-- Follow up if exacerbation occurs"]
[checkbox name="dmplanfu" value="-- Patient should follow up with PCP after discharge"]
[textarea name="medPOC" default=""]
[comment memo="COMMON STATEMENTS:
- no acute findings
- Pending lab findings to inform further management
- Pending lab findings to determine current health status
- Pending lab findings to determine current health status and inform further management
- Chronicity and stability established on admission, no further    management needed at this time. Revisit plan of care if exacerbation occurs
-The patient's progress and medication needs will be continuously monitored and adjusted as necessary
- Follow up with PCP upon discharge"]
[checkbox memo="Psychiatric Conditions" name="If_psychpoc" value=""][conditional field="If_psychpoc" condition="(If_psychpoc).is('')"]# [text name="variable_psychillnes" default="Depression"]
- Continue management by the psychiatric provider
- Monitor for any changes in the patient's mood, behavior, or suicidal ideation.
- Follow-ups determined by the psych provider to monitor patient's condition and response to treatment.
[textarea name="variable_psyhf8" default=""][/conditional]
[checkbox memo="Suicide Risk" name="If_sic" value=""][conditional field="If_sic" condition="(If_sic).is('')"][select name="sxsicurrent" value="|# Suicidal ideation|# Recent suicide attempt|# Self-harm ideation|# Recent self-harm attempt"]
- continue suicide screenings qshift
- Monitor for any changes in the patient's mood, behavior, or suicidal ideation[/conditional]
[checkbox memo="Sleep Management" name="If_sep" value=""][conditional field="If_sep" condition="(If_sep).is('')"] [select name="variable_2024slep" value="# Sleep Management|# Insomnia"]
[checkbox name="variable_sep1" value="- Patient has declined sleep medications"]
[checkbox name="sleepad" value="- Treatment adjustments:"][text name="variable_med342" default=""][/conditional]
[checkbox memo="Seizure Management" name="If_sz" value=""][conditional field="If_sz" condition="(If_sz).is('')"]# [select name="sxhx" value="|Seizure management|History of seizure-like activity|Other seizure| Convulsions|Seizure History|Alcohol withdrawal seziure| Pseudo-seizure|Non-epileptic behavioral event|"]
[checkbox name="variable_szcurrnt" value="- No incidences of seizures"]
[checkbox name="variable_sxhxss" value="- If a seizure were to occur then acute management of the seizure should be concomitant with ABCs, avoiding hazards, and monitoring vital signs & glucose monitoring. Nursing advised to call provider if this occurs; call EMS if decompensation occurs|- Nursing to monitor CIWAs/CWS and Vitals"]
[checkbox name="variable_sxhxr" value="- Medications Rx'd to aid with alcohol withdrawal seizures|- Medications Rx'd to aid with seizure    prophylaxis|- No medications prescribed currently"][/conditional]
[conditional field="labs" condition="(labs).is('')"]
- see progress note for interpretation 
- see PHI for lab results
- labs reviewed with patient[/conditional]
[conditional field="mat" condition="(mat).is('')"]
[select name="variable_2223" value="# Medication-Assisted Treatment|# Cravings|choice C"]
The risk and benefits of this MAT medications have been explained to this patient. This patient has been provided education regarding this medication.
This patient would benefit from [checkbox name="variable_22" value="naltrexone|Vivitrol|acamprosate"].
[select name="variable_236" value="This patient declines MAT at this time| This patient accepts Naltrexone PO at this time|This patient accepts Naltrexone/ Vivitrol at this time| This patient is still deciding on MAT| This patient accepts acamprosate"] [/conditional]
[select name="variable_202475" value="- Continue patient to residential 1 status with 60-minute safety checks|- Continue patient to residential 1 status with 15-minute safety checks|- Continue patient to residential 2 status with 60-minute safety checks|- Continue patient to residential 2 status with 15-minute safety checks"]
- Continue psychiatric-medical team collaboration, and update interdisciplinary team.
- Upon discharge, the patient should maintain continuity of care with their primary care provider or establish care if one is not already in place. Any necessary specialist follow-ups should also be arranged
[checkbox memo="Anticipated complications/strengths" name="bs" value=""]
[conditional field="bs" condition="(bs).is('')"]Anticipated complications include [checkbox value="post-acute withdrawal symptoms|emotional distress|relapse risk|interpersonal conflicts|co-occurring disorders|medication side effects|difficulties   with transitioning|financial stress|stigma|legal issues|physical health complications"]. [checkbox value="Patient strengths for success include "][checkbox value="medication compliance|motivation for change|positive outlook|self-awareness|strong support systems|therapeutic rapport|cognitive flexibility|stress management skills|positive physical health|positive mental health|"].[/conditional]
Reason for visit/Chief Complaint: weekly medical progress note

Admit date:
is admitted for medically managed detoxification and subsequent residential substance use treatment for secondary to the inability to maintain sobriety independently.

Interval Medical History

Quick Recovery Note
Chronic Care
Acute Issues
Review/ Management:
I reviewed the following information: medical hx, medications, allergies, physical exams and progress notes, V/S
I obtained collateral information from:
ROS: Pertinent Neg and Pos discussed in HPI
Physical examination:
[VSS and patient asymptomatic]
Constitutional: cooperative, ,
Respiratory: lung sounds clear, no accessory muscle use
Cardiac: RRR, no m/r/g,
GI: abdomen soft, non-distended, non-tender. Bowel tones normoactive

Impression: This patient was admitted due to an unstable pattern of substance use . , . Our team will continue to monitor and provide therapeutic intervention and medication management within a protected environment.

# Substance use treatment
This patient continues to reasonably benefit from admission in a protected and structured environment to prevent relapse via medical and mental health support, medication management, therapeutic interventions and education, skill development, and holistic therapies.
Continue and Monitor:
- Continue to monitor recovery in a protected environment
- Encourage to engage in group sessions, individual therapy sessions, and outings per treatment plan
- Coordinate treatment with the psychiatric team
- Encourage engagement in ongoing relapse prevention and aftercare plan
Admission Labs MAT
Liver Conditions

- no acute findings
- Pending lab findings to inform further management
- Pending lab findings to determine current health status
- Pending lab findings to determine current health status and inform further management
- Chronicity and stability established on admission, no further management needed at this time. Revisit plan of care if exacerbation occurs
-The patient's progress and medication needs will be continuously monitored and adjusted as necessary
- Follow up with PCP upon discharge

Psychiatric Conditions
Suicide Risk
Sleep Management
Seizure Management


- Continue psychiatric-medical team collaboration, and update interdisciplinary team.
- Upon discharge, the patient should maintain continuity of care with their primary care provider or establish care if one is not already in place. Any necessary specialist follow-ups should also be arranged
Anticipated complications/strengths

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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.82, 211 form elements, 262 boilerplate words, 12 text boxes, 17 text areas, 1 dates, 82 checkboxes, 48 drop downs, 8 comments, 1 remarks, 41 conditionals, 1 frontloads, 367 total clicks
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