Outpatient Examination Form

# Outpatient Examination Form

Patient ID: ________________   Date: ________________

## Vitals
- BP: ____/____ mmHg
- Pulse: ____ bpm
- Temp: ____ °F
- Resp Rate: ____ /min
- O2 Sat: ____% on: [ ] Room air  [ ] __ L O2

## Chief Complaint

## History of Present Illness

## Review of Systems
[ ] Constitutional  [ ] HEENT  [ ] Cardiovascular  [ ] Respiratory
[ ] Gastrointestinal  [ ] Genitourinary  [ ] Musculoskeletal
[ ] Neurological  [ ] Psychiatric  [ ] Endocrine  [ ] Hematologic
[ ] Allergic/Immunologic

Notes: _________________________________________

## Physical Examination

      /|\    Front           Back
     / | \   ____            ____
     \ | /  |    |          |    |
      \|/   |    |          |    |
       |    |    |          |    |
      / \   |____|          |____|
     /   \

    Head ___________   Neck ___________
    Chest __________   Back ___________
    Abd ____________   Extremities ____

## Assessment

## Plan
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________

## Medications
[ ] No changes
[ ] Changes (specify): _________________________

## Follow-up
[ ] 1 week  [ ] 2 weeks  [ ] 1 month  [ ] 3 months  [ ] As needed

Additional Notes:

Provider Signature: ___________________________
# Outpatient Examination Form

Patient ID: ________________ Date: ________________

## Vitals
- BP: ____/____ mmHg
- Pulse: ____ bpm
- Temp: ____ °F
- Resp Rate: ____ /min
- O2 Sat: ____% on: [ ] Room air [ ] __ L O2

## Chief Complaint

## History of Present Illness

## Review of Systems
[ ] Constitutional [ ] HEENT [ ] Cardiovascular [ ] Respiratory
[ ] Gastrointestinal [ ] Genitourinary [ ] Musculoskeletal
[ ] Neurological [ ] Psychiatric [ ] Endocrine [ ] Hematologic
[ ] Allergic/Immunologic

Notes: _________________________________________

## Physical Examination

/|\ Front Back
/ | \ ____ ____
\ | / | | | |
\|/ | | | |
| | | | |
/ \ |____| |____|
/ \

Head ___________ Neck ___________
Chest __________ Back ___________
Abd ____________ Extremities ____

## Assessment

## Plan
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________

## Medications
[ ] No changes
[ ] Changes (specify): _________________________

## Follow-up
[ ] 1 week [ ] 2 weeks [ ] 1 month [ ] 3 months [ ] As needed

Additional Notes:

Provider Signature: ___________________________

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