Palliative Admission FINAL
MRN:[text name="MRN" default="0000"] Patient ID: [text name="variable_1" default=""] Diagnosis: [textarea name="diagnosis" default=""] GOC: [select name="GOC" value="C1|C2|S1|S|F"] PPS:[select name="PPS" value="10%|20%|30%|40%|50%|60%|70%|80%|90%"] Past Medical History [checkbox name="pmhx" value="HTN|COPD|BPH|IHD|OA|DMII"] [textarea name="pmhx" default=""] Current Medications: please see MedRec for complete details. Allergies: [text name="allergies" default="NKDA"] Social History: [var name="variable_1"] lives [checkbox name="lives" value="alone|with ******"] in a [select name="livingcondition" value="house|apartment|assisted living|nursing home"]. [select name="religion" value="They have no religious or spiritual affilication|They identify as ******"]. [checkbox name="substances" value="Current smoker|Lifelong non-smoker|Remote ex-smoker|Ex-smoker, quit ******"]. [var name="variable_1"] [checkbox name="ETOH" value="drinks no ETOH|drinks ETOH ******|and has a history of heavy drinking|and has no history of heavy drinking"]. [checkbox name="THC" value="They do not use any THC/CBD products|They use CBD ******|They use THC ******"]. There is no other reported substance use. Investigations Chart reviewed. Labs: [date name="date1" default=""] [textarea name="labs" default=""] Imaging: [textarea name="imaging" default=""] Physical Examination General: [checkbox name="general" value="Appears well, in NAD. Resps easy.|Increased WOB noted.|Somnolent.|Appears comfortable during assessment.|Appeared uncomfortable during assessment.|No psychomotor agitation or retardation observed."] CVS: [checkbox name="cvs" value="Auscultated S1S2, no audible murmur.|Auscultated S1S2, murmur audible ******.|Peripheral edema to the lower extremities bilaterally ******|No pedal edema.|Normal capillary refill."] Resp:[checkbox name="resp" value="Good AE bilaterally to the bases without adventitious sounds.|Adequate AE bilaterally to the bases bilaterally without adventitious sounds.|Reduced AE ******."] Abdo: [checkbox name="abdo" value="Soft, nontender without guarding or rigidity.|No HSM.|Tender abdomen, ******.|Area of fullness appreciated ******.|No signs of peritonitis."] Neuro:[checkbox name="neuro" value="Pupils equal, reactive to light bilaterally, normal size.|Abnormal pupils ******|Myoclonus ******.|No myoclonus.|CN II-XII (VIII not formally tested) within normal limits.|Abnormal CN testing.|Strength testing within normal limits - 5/5 to the upper and lower extremity.|Abnormal strength testing ******.|Cerebellar testing within normal limits.|Abnormal cerebellar testing ******.|Reflexes normal , 2+ at the brachioradialis, biceps, patella, and achilles.|Abnormal reflexes, ******| Babinski testing negative.|Babinski testing positive.|Sensory testing within normal limits to peripheral extremities.|Impaired sensation noted to the ******.|Gait not observed.|Gait ******."] Skin/MSK: [checkbox name="skin" value="No skin breakdown or rash.|Skin breakdown ******.|Skin eruption ******."] ENT: [checkbox name="ENT" value="Moist mucous membranes.|Tongue appears dry."] Impression & Plan [textarea name="variable_2" default=""]
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