CRITERIA/RATIONALE FOR CALL Respiratory distress or threatened airway Acute desaturation - acute change in O2 sat <90% Hypotension - acute change in hypotension <90 mmHg Hypertension - acute change in hypertension >200 mmHg Bradycardia - acute change in HR <40 Tachycardia - acute change in HR >130 Stroke-like symptoms - acute onset slurred speech, facial droop, numbness/weakness Seizure - new, repeated, or prolonged Altered mental status - acute change in level of consciousness Chest pain Sepsis Acute bleeding Other - Staff concern Other - explain below RRT Interventions done: ABG results: ABG - NONE FOUND CXR: result INTUBATION: done by Oxygen administration: what type and how much? Nebulizer treatment: what type? BiPap: what settings? 12 Lead EKG: result Venous Access Atropine: dose External Pacer Naloxone/Narcan Fluid Bolus: what type and how much? Lasix IV: dose Pressor infusion: what type and how much? D50 IV: how much? Amiodarone infusion: what bolus and rate? Comments: SITUATION: BACKGROUND: ASSESSMENT: RESPONSE/FOLLOW UP PLAN: This event was discussed with attending physician (NAME). The primary team was also notified.
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