Telehealth Discharge Text – Sesame

Thank you for your visit today. Please read through the following links for more information regarding your visit today. Remember that telehealth does provide convenience but does have some limitations. It is important you maintain a relationship with a primary care provider for all routine care. It is also important that in the event your condition worsens or you have any immediate concerns, seek urgent or emergency care ASAP.

[textarea name="variable_1" default="Please read the following link for information regarding your condition and/or medications prescribed:"]

[textarea name="variable_1" default=""]
[textarea name="variable_2" default=""]
[textarea name="variable_3" default=""]
[textarea name="variable_4" default=""]
[textarea name="variable_5" default=""]

[textarea name="variable_2" default="If you have time, please leave me a review on Sesame. I take this feedback seriously and want to provide the best care possibe.    

Thank you for allowing me to care for you today."
Thank you for your visit today. Please read through the following links for more information regarding your visit today. Remember that telehealth does provide convenience but does have some limitations. It is important you maintain a relationship with a primary care provider for all routine care. It is also important that in the event your condition worsens or you have any immediate concerns, seek urgent or emergency care ASAP.

[textarea name="variable_2" default="If you have time, please leave me a review on Sesame. I take this feedback seriously and want to provide the best care possibe.

Thank you for allowing me to care for you today."

Result - Copy and paste this output:

Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0, 6 form elements, 107 boilerplate words, 6 text areas, 6 total clicks
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