Urgent Care SOAP note [Fall22Clinical]
URGENT CARE VISIT Patient Name: Age/Sex: DOB:CHIEF COMPLAINT: HPI:PMH: ROS: General: Denies wt. changes, fever/chills, fatigue. HEENT: Denies any changes in vision, nasal discharge/epistaxis, sore throat/hoarseness or hearing problems. CV: Denies chest pain, dyspnea, palpitations, edema. Pulmonary: Denies cough, hemoptysis, wheezes, SOB. GI: Denies anorexia, N/V/D, abd. pain, constipation, heartburn. GU: Denies urinary symptoms at this time. Denies erectile dysfuntion. Musk: Denies Decreased ROM, arthralgias, swelling, pain Neuro: Denies weakness, numbness, HAs, seizure, dizzines/vertigo. Skin: Denies rashes, erythema, skin breakdown, itching.SH:Allergies:MEDICATIONS: Active Outpatient Medications (including Supplies): Active Outpatient Medications Status =========================================================================****************************************************************** MEDICATION RECONCILIATION: Reviewed medications with patient, including over-the-counter and herbals. Medications reconciliation was performed with the following results: The patient was provided with a list of his/her medications? Yes If a medication list was not provided, please give the reason:******************************************************************* PHYSICAL EXAM: Blood Pressure: Heart Rate: Respiratory Rate: Weight: Temperature: Pain:GENERAL: Pleasant yo white male. NAD. HEENT: TMs with sharp light reflex bilaterally. PERRLA. EOMS intact. Sclera white, conjunctiva non-swollen. Nares are patent, no exudates. Nasal mucosa is non-swollen and red. Throat is non-swollen, no pnd. Uvula moves midline. NECK: Supple, no bruits or masses. CARDIOVASCULAR: RRR, S1 S2. Radial, brachial, femoral, DP and TP pulses are 2+/4. RESPIRATORY: Clear sounds posteriorly to the bases bilaterally. ABDOMEN: Active sounds in all quads. No bruits, masses, or organomegaly. GU: External genitalia normal looking. Sphincter tone is normal. Prostate is smooth, small, no nodules. MUSCULOSKELETAL: MAE. FROM. Strength is = side to side in the UE and LE. SKIN: Warm and dry. NEURO: OX3. CN II-XII intact. DTRs 2+/4 all around. PSYCHIATRIC: Alert, interactive. Good eye contact. Appropriate responses. HEME/LYMPH/IMMUNE: No nodal enlargement in the cervical chains, axillae, or groin. ASSESSMENT AND PLAN: HEALTH CARE MAINTENANCE: Flex/sig: Tetnus: Pneumonia vax: flu shot: DRE/PSA:Clinical Reminders:DISPOSITION/FOLLOW-UP:
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