***Consultation Note Consultation: .NAME .BDAY .MRN .DATE Consultation requested by: *** Reason for Consultation: *** IMPRESSION: *** RECOMMENDATIONS: *** ---------------------------------------------------- HPI*** ROS: Const: No {CONST:31234} Eyes: No {EYES:31235} Ent: No {ENT:31236} Resp:No {RESP:31237} Card:No {CARD:13219} GI: No {GI:13220} GU:No {GU:31240} MS: No {MS:31241} H-L:No {H-L:31242} Endo: No {ENDO:31243} Skin:No {SKIN:31244} Neuro:No {NEURO:31245} Imm: No {IMM:31246} Psyc: No {PSYC:31247} A L L E R G I E S .ALLERGY M E D I C A T I O N S .MEDSCURRENT M E D I C A L .PMH S U R G I C A L .SURGICALHX F A M I L Y .FAMHX S O C I A L .SOC V I T A L S .VITALSCURRENT P H Y I S I C A L GENERAL: Awake, oriented, appears non-toxic ENMT: Atraumatic, normocephalic, oral mucosa pink and moist, airway patent, no pharyngeal edema or erythema. External ears and nose normal. EYES: Conjunctiva clear, PERRL, EOMI NECK: Supple, non-tender, no masses, trachea midline. Thyroid nontender, no gross palpable mass(es) LYMPH: No cervical LAD. No preauricular LAD. CARDIOVASCULAR: Normal heart rate, Normal rhythm, No murmurs, rubs, or gallops. Pedal pulses palpable. No lower extremity edema. PULMONARY/CHEST: Normal respiratory effort. Clear to auscultation, no rhonchi, wheezes, or rales. Symmetrical breath sounds. ABDOMINAL: Non-distended, normal bowel sounds, soft, non-tender. No hepatosplenomegaly. No gross mass (es) palpated. No hernias visible. NEUROLOGIC: CN II-XII grossly intact. Sensation intact to light touch in upper and lower extremities. Strength 5/5 in upper and lower extremities. MUSCULOSKELETAL: No clubbing or cyanosis. Normal muscle tone. SKIN: Warm, Dry, No erythema, No rash PSYCH: Alert and oriented x 3. Normal affect. Good insight. L A B S .LABR24 I M A G I N G .IMAGING .SIGN
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