Crown Delivery

Re: Cem #
[text name="variable_1" default="Tooth number"] . med hx rev. The dental team verified that external and internal indicators were appropriately exposed to the critical parameters of sterilization before use in patient care. LOE. Xr reviewed.  Pain today = 0/10. The dental team completed extraoral and intraoral pre-procedure verification, marking the site and performed a time out prior to initiating crn  cem. Re-verification was continuous throughout  procedure. Tx: No anes.  Isodry isolation. Rem Temp and cleaned tooth: tried-in and adj crn.   Silane/primer applied (Monobond Plus), cem crn with Rely-x Unicem 2, occ adj, cleaned residual cement, made/rev xr and discussed post-oper instructions. HCI given: brush/floss. Pt instructions: anes and new res precautions given.

[text name="variable_1" default="next visit"].
Re: Cem #
. med hx rev. The dental team verified that external and internal indicators were appropriately exposed to the critical parameters of sterilization before use in patient care. LOE. Xr reviewed. Pain today = 0/10. The dental team completed extraoral and intraoral pre-procedure verification, marking the site and performed a time out prior to initiating crn cem. Re-verification was continuous throughout procedure. Tx: No anes. Isodry isolation. Rem Temp and cleaned tooth: tried-in and adj crn. Silane/primer applied (Monobond Plus), cem crn with Rely-x Unicem 2, occ adj, cleaned residual cement, made/rev xr and discussed post-oper instructions. HCI given: brush/floss. Pt instructions: anes and new res precautions given.


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