Surgical Ext
Re: Surgical Ext. Rev medical hx. The dental team verified that external and internal indicators were appropriately exposed to the critical parameters of sterilization before use in patient care. The dental team completed extraoral and intraoral pre-procedure verification steps and performed time-out prior to initiating surg ext. Re-verification was continuous throughout procedure. Informed consent signed and witnessed. Discussed risks including damage to adjacent teeth, numbness or abnormal sensation, sinus issues, infection, damage to hard and soft tissue. Patient verbalized consent and all questions answered. Tx: loc Anes 1.7 mL 2% lido with 1:100,000 epi, 1.8 mL 0.5% bupiv with 1:200,000 epi. Tooth Number: [text name="variable_1" default="tooth number"] Intrasulcular and F release incisions over bone, ostectomy and sectioning with handpiece for rem. Delivered m/d sections with elevator/forceps. Debridement of sockets, irrigation with sterile sal. Su: 3-0 chromic gut x 2. IAN/Sinus not visualized at ext sites. No perforation of lingual plate visualized. Complications: none. Pt tolerated procedure well. No complications. Verbal and written HCI given to the pt. Rx: See Denticon for details. Medication precautions given to pt. Disposition: [text name="variable_1" default="Next Appointment"].
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