Abdominal pain Rod
Patient presents for [text] onset of abdominal pain x [text]. Location: [text] Radiation: [text] Severity [select name="variable_3" value="|Mild|Moderate|Severe"] Characterized as: [text]. The pain is relieved with: [text] The pain is exacerbated with: [text] Associated Symptoms: [select value="no|YES"] <-- decreased appetite [select value="no|YES"] <-- nausea [select value="no|YES"] <-- vomiting [text] [select value="no|YES"] <-- diarrhea [select value="no|YES"] <-- constipation [text] [select value="no|YES"] <-- black or bloody stool [select value="no|YES"] <-- fever [select value="no|YES"] <-- Dysuria [select value="no|YES"] <-- Frequency [select value="no|YES"] <-- Hematuria [checklist name="variable_1" value="Recent travel|recent abx use|sick contacts"] Pertinent PMH [checkbox name="variable_1" value="None|Gall Bladder or liver disease|GERD|PUD|Pancreatitis|Kidney stones|Frequent UTI's|Diverticulitis|IBS/IBD|PID|Vascular disease|AAA risk factor|pregnancy risk"] Pertinent Past Surgeries: [select value="no|YES"] <-- Hx of abdominal surgeries [select value="no|YES"] <-- Appendectomy [select value="no|YES"] <-- Cholecystectomy Pertinent history: [select value="no|YES"] <-- Excessive NSAIDs use [select value="no|YES"] <-- Excessive Alcohol
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