Cardiac Arrest
APPARATUS: [checkbox name="APPARATUS" value="MEN 1.|MEN 2.|MEN 3.|MEN 4.|MEN 5.|MEN 6.| MEN 7.| MEN 8.| MEN 9.| MEN 10.|MEN 11.| MEN 12.|MEN 13.| MEN 14.| MEN 15.|AM-17.| AM-60.| MEDIC 25. "][text name="APPARATUS" default=" "] RESPONSE: [checkbox name="RESPONSE" value="EMERGENT.|NONEMERGENT.|LIGHTS/SIRENS.|LIGHTS NO SIRENS.|NO LIGHTS NO SIRENS.|UPGRADED TO EMERGENT.|DOWNGRADED TO NONEMERGENT|INTERFACLTY TRANSFER."] DISPATCHED TO:[textarea name="dispatch" default=" "] CHIEF COMPLAINT: [text name="CC" size = 55 default=" "] SECONDARY COMPLAINT(s):[text name="CC" size = 55 default=" "] ATF, [text name="variable_1" default="sample text"] year old [select name="variable_1" value=" MALE|FEMALE|"]:[textarea name="arrived" default=" "] PAST MEDICAL Hx: [textarea name="pmhx" default=" "] [text name="variable_1" default="was this a witnessed arrest"] [checklist name="witness arrest" value="YES|NO"] [select name="by who" value="family|bystander|other"] [text name="[NEURO] - unresponsive, no palpable pulses, GCS , pupils not reactive"] [textarea name="variable_1" default="Blood Glucouse"] Initial ABC's: -Airway: [checkbox name="airway" value="airway open.|airway patent.|no airway obstructions.|Normal.|airway positioned to open.|airway not patent.|airway required suctioning.| obstructions to airway.|requires airway adjunct.|requires advanced airway.|requires artificial ventilation.|OPA.|NPA."][text name="airway" default=" "] -Breathing: [checkbox name="breathing" value="breathing spontaneously.|breathing regular.|adequate respirations.|Normal.|not breathing spontaneously.|irregular respirations.|inadequate respirations.|apparent life threats to breathing. |no apparent life threats to breathing."][text name="breathing" default=" "] -Circulation: [checkbox name="circulation" value="no obvious bleeding.|pulses intact.|skin color appropriate.|cap refill <2 seconds.|no life treats to circulation.|normal.|hemorrhage present.|hemorrhage controlled.|TQ applied.|pulses not intact.|skin color not appropriate.|cap refill >2 seconds.|life threatening concerns with circulation."][text name="ros_constitutional" default=" "] PHYSICAL EXAM: -General: [checkbox name="pe_general_check" value="Alert & oriented X3.|Alert to time.|Alert to place.|Alert to person.| in no acute distress.|Alert, but confused.|Well appearing.|malnourished.|in acute distress."][text name="pe_general" default=" "] -HEENT: [checkbox name="pe_heent_check" value="normocephalic.|atraumatic.|PEARL.|white sclera.|conjunctiva pink/red.|no fluid noted in or around ears.|no bleeding.|bleeding.|positive HALO test.|negative HALO test.|dry mucous membranes.|extra salivation. |normal mucous.|normal pharynx.|no trauma to mouth.|Normal.|trauma to face.|trauma to mouth.|patient denies vision changes.| patient denies ear pain.|no nasal congestion.| patient denies sore throat.|no cough."][text name="pe_heent" default=" "] Nose: [checkbox name="nose" value="nares patent bilaterally|septum midline|mucosa pink & moist|mucosal edema|clear discharge|active septal hemorrhage|clotted blood"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] Mouth: [checkbox name="mouth" value="normal inspection|moist oral mucosa without lesions or injury|no dental injury|upper denture|lower denture|mucosal laceration|dental injury|tongue deviation|dental decay"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] Throat: [checkbox name="throat" value="normal voice|patent pharynx w/o swelling or exudates|uvula midline"][textarea cols=70 rows=1] NECK: [checkbox name="neck" value="no gross deformity or misalignment.|no vertebral tenderness.|pain with movement.|vertebral point-tenderness."][textarea cols=70 rows=1] Chest/Lungs: [checkbox name="lungs" value="normal work of breathing, symmetrical chest expansion.|non-tender.|clear and equal breath sounds bilaterally.|bruising|tenderness.|poor effort.|coughing.|-fail chest noted."][textarea cols=70 rows=1] Abdomen: [checkbox name="abd" value="normal visual inspection, no distension.|soft non-tender|protruding.|surgical scar.|umbilical hernia.|diffuse tenderness over entire abdomen."][textarea cols=70 rows=1] -Neuro: [checkbox name="pe_neuro_check" value="Grossly oriented X 4.|gait normal.|sensation intact.|normal reflexes.|smile normal.|speech not slurred.|Normal.|Neuro not grossly intact.|gait abnormal.|sensation absent.|no reflexes.|smile not symmetrical.|slurred speech."][text name="pe_neuro" default=" "] IV Attempt times [select name="variable_1" value="1|2|3"] Good Flash, Good Flush. Site covered with [select name="variable_1" value="with tape in two spots|foam strips from Tegaderm package in two spots|"] Unable to start IV. Upon cannulation of the vein, [select name="variable_1" value="the site above became swollen|the patient complained of pain|"] [select name="variable_1" value="no flash|unable to flush|"] When IV removed no blood from the puncture site. Site covered with (1) folded 2X2 and secured with tape. [textarea name="variable_1" default="Defib pads applied and first analysis performed"] [textarea name="variable_1" default="Second analysis"] [textarea name="variable_1" default="Third anaysis"] [text name="variable_1" default="Call to for field termations orders.Report Dr. order for terination granted"]
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