HEMS Airway Procedure Note

Procedure: Endotracheal Intubation

Indication: [checkbox name="indication" value="severe respiratory distress|respiratory failure|cardiac arrest|respiratory arrest |anticipation of ability to protect own airway |inability to protect own airway "][text name="indication" size = 55 default=" "]

Preparation: Patient was in the supine position, head elevated to 30 degrees, The patient was preoxygenated using a nasal cannula at 15lpm and BVM with PEEP set to 10. The patient is spontaneously breathing and responded by increasing their SpO2 to [text name="oxygen" size = 45 default=" "]. The preoxygenation continued throughout the preparation for the airway which is greater than 3 minutes. 

Equipment Checked/Prepared Prior to Procedure:
Blind-Insertion Airway Device
Surgical Airway Kit
Securing Device
10mL Syringe
Endotracheal Tube
DuCanto Suction Catheter
Orogastric Tube

Pre-procedure and emergency plan briefing performed, and [text name="variable_1" default=" "] assigned to watch the pulse oximeter, ECG, HR, and B/P during procedure. 

The airway procedure was started at [text name="variable_1" default=" "]

Induction Agent:
Ketamine Dose: [text name="ketamine" default="Not used"]
Fentanyl Dose: [text name="fent" default="Not used"]
Etomidate Dose: [text name="etomidate" default="Not used"]

Paralytic Agent:
Rocuronium: [text name="paralytic_dose" default="Not used"]
Succinylcholine: [text name="variable_1" default="Not used"]

The patient was intubated with a [text name="variable_1" default=" "] ETT [text name="variable_1" default=" "] at the teeth on the first attempt. Tube was place under Glidescope video laryngoscopy with a [text name="variable_1" default=" "] Blade and confirmed via [checkbox name="confirm" value="vocal cords visualized. | tube passed through vocal cords without difficulty .|colormetric color change. |wave form capnograpgy. |no gastric sounds. |symmetrical chest rise and fall.  |lung sounds auscultated bilaterally. |mist in tube. "][text name="skin" size = 55 default=" "]  [text name="variable_1" default=" "]OG tube placed at this time.  ETT cuff pressure set to 30mmhg, ETT secured with commercial tube securing device.  

Complications: [checkbox name="complications" value="no complications.|esophageal intubation. |Bleeding. |Tooth damage. "][text name="complications" size = 55 default=" "]

The airway procedure was completed at [text name="variable_1" default=" "]

Procedure performed by: [text name="name" size = 55 default=" "]
Procedure: Endotracheal Intubation


Preparation: Patient was in the supine position, head elevated to 30 degrees, The patient was preoxygenated using a nasal cannula at 15lpm and BVM with PEEP set to 10. The patient is spontaneously breathing and responded by increasing their SpO2 to . The preoxygenation continued throughout the preparation for the airway which is greater than 3 minutes.

Equipment Checked/Prepared Prior to Procedure:
Blind-Insertion Airway Device
Surgical Airway Kit
Securing Device
10mL Syringe
Endotracheal Tube
DuCanto Suction Catheter
Orogastric Tube

Pre-procedure and emergency plan briefing performed, and assigned to watch the pulse oximeter, ECG, HR, and B/P during procedure.

The airway procedure was started at

Induction Agent:
Ketamine Dose:
Fentanyl Dose:
Etomidate Dose:

Paralytic Agent:

The patient was intubated with a ETT at the teeth on the first attempt. Tube was place under Glidescope video laryngoscopy with a Blade and confirmed via OG tube placed at this time. ETT cuff pressure set to 30mmhg, ETT secured with commercial tube securing device.


The airway procedure was completed at

Procedure performed by:

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