HEMS Airway Procedure Note
Procedure: Endotracheal Intubation Indication: [checkbox name="indication" value="severe respiratory distress|respiratory failure|cardiac arrest|respiratory arrest |anticipation of ability to protect own airway |inability to protect own airway "][text name="indication" size = 55 default=" "] Preparation: Patient was in the supine position, head elevated to 30 degrees, The patient was preoxygenated using a nasal cannula at 15lpm and BVM with PEEP set to 10. The patient is spontaneously breathing and responded by increasing their SpO2 to [text name="oxygen" size = 45 default=" "]. The preoxygenation continued throughout the preparation for the airway which is greater than 3 minutes. Equipment Checked/Prepared Prior to Procedure: Glidescope Blind-Insertion Airway Device Surgical Airway Kit Securing Device Bougie BVM with PEEP 10mL Syringe Endotracheal Tube DuCanto Suction Catheter Orogastric Tube Pre-procedure and emergency plan briefing performed, and [text name="variable_1" default=" "] assigned to watch the pulse oximeter, ECG, HR, and B/P during procedure. The airway procedure was started at [text name="variable_1" default=" "] Induction Agent: Ketamine Dose: [text name="ketamine" default="Not used"] Fentanyl Dose: [text name="fent" default="Not used"] Etomidate Dose: [text name="etomidate" default="Not used"] Paralytic Agent: Rocuronium: [text name="paralytic_dose" default="Not used"] Succinylcholine: [text name="variable_1" default="Not used"] The patient was intubated with a [text name="variable_1" default=" "] ETT [text name="variable_1" default=" "] at the teeth on the first attempt. Tube was place under Glidescope video laryngoscopy with a [text name="variable_1" default=" "] Blade and confirmed via [checkbox name="confirm" value="vocal cords visualized. | tube passed through vocal cords without difficulty .|colormetric color change. |wave form capnograpgy. |no gastric sounds. |symmetrical chest rise and fall. |lung sounds auscultated bilaterally. |mist in tube. "][text name="skin" size = 55 default=" "] [text name="variable_1" default=" "]OG tube placed at this time. ETT cuff pressure set to 30mmhg, ETT secured with commercial tube securing device. Complications: [checkbox name="complications" value="no complications.|esophageal intubation. |Bleeding. |Tooth damage. "][text name="complications" size = 55 default=" "] The airway procedure was completed at [text name="variable_1" default=" "] Procedure performed by: [text name="name" size = 55 default=" "]
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