HEMS Procedural Sedation Note
Procedural Sedation Procedural sedation performed to reduce pain and anxiety associated with [text name="variable_1" default=" "] Patient sedation goal is deep sedation. A pre-sedation assessment was performed to include history, allergies, meds, baseline vital signs, airway status, and aspiration risk factors. Patient has no known history of sleep apnea. Airway assessment performed and no anticipated difficulties noted. Due to the emergent nature of the procedure we elected to move forward with the procedure despite not having a 6-hour fasting. The patient is an ASA Class IV-E. The procedure was started at [text name="variable_1" default=" "]. The was prepared by preoxygenating the patient on as nasal cannula and placing the patient on nasal capnography. A square wave was identified with an ETCO2 of [text name="variable_1" default=" "]. The patient was placed with his head elevated and ear aligned to sternal notch. All monitoring equipment: ECG, pulse ox, capnography, and NIBP is in place. Airway equipment out and at the ready should airway issues arise that require emergent intubation. [text name="variable_1" default=" "] performed the sedation and airway maintenance while the other flight crew member performed the procedure. At [text name="time" default=" "] [text name="medication and dose" default=" "] was given in the left for arm IV and flushed with Normal Saline. IV was patient and flushed well prior to and after administration. At [text name="time" default=" "] [text name="medication and dose" default=" "] was given in the left for arm IV and flushed with Normal Saline. IV was patient and flushed well prior to and after administration. The patient went into deep sedation within 30 seconds of administering the medication. Airway patency was maintained with jaw thrust before and after the procedural sedation. The procedure ended at [text name="variable_1" default=" "].
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