Incident:[textarea name="incident" default=" EMSA was dispatched Priority to "] Upon Arrival: [textarea name="ptinfo" default=" On arrival EMS "] Complaints: [textarea name="Chiefcomplaint" default=" "] Hx: Onset: [text name="O" size = 55 default=" "] Additional Signs/Symptoms Reported: [textarea name="s" size = 55 default=" "] Allergies: [text name="a" size = 55 default=" See demographics "] Medications: [text name="m" size = 55 default="See demographics "] Past Med Hx: [text name="p" size = 55 default="See demographics "] History of present illness: [textarea name="e" size = 55 default=" "] Other Hx Info: [textarea name="hpi" default=" "] Assessment: General/Overall Appearance: [textarea name="appearance" default=" The patient appears well nourished, well developed, and appears/does not appear to be in acute distress. "] Airway: [checkbox name="airway" value="open, maintained by patient, with no concern for compromise |open. |maintained by patient. |no concerns for compromise. |not open. |compromised. |requires manual opening. |requires airway adjunct. |requires advanced airway."][text name="airway" size = 55 default=" "] Breathing: [checkbox name="breathing" value="Breathing spontaneously, non-labored, with a regular rate and adequate tidal volume. |tachypneic. |deep. |bradypneic. |shallow. |agonal. |apneic. "][text name="airway" size = 55 default=" "] Circulation: [checkbox name="circulation" value="normal and without concerns. |Regular and normal pulse rate. |Tachycardic. |Bradycardic. |Weak pulse. |massive hemorrhage. |Diminished perfusion. | Pulseless. "][text name="airway" size = 55 default=" "] Level of Consciousness: [checkbox name="loc" value="Alert and oriented to person, place, time, and event. |alert. |oriented. |disoriented. |Person. |Place. |Time. |Event. |arousable by verbal stimuli. |arousable by painful stimuli. |unresponsive."][text name="consciousness" size = 55 default=" "] SKIN: [checkbox name="skin" value="pink, warm, and dry. |pale, cool, and clammy. |pink. |warm. |dry. |pale. |cool. |clammy. |diaphoretic. |hot. |flushed. |cyanotic. |lividity. |jaundiced. "][text name="skin" size = 55 default=" "] HEENT: [checkbox name="head" value="normal and atraumatic. |no reported pain. |pupils equally round and reactive."][text name="head" size = 55 default="Pupils PERRL at Xmm "] Neck: [checkbox name="neck" value="normal and atraumatic. |JVD. |no JVD. |Tracheal deviation. |No tracheal deviation. |no reported pain."][text name="neck" size = 55 default=" "] Chest: [checkbox name="chest" value="normal and atraumatic. |breath sounds clear equal bilaterally. |no reported pain."][text name="chest" size = 55 default=" "] Back: [checkbox name="back" value="normal and atraumatic. |no reported pain."][text name="back" size = 55 default=" "] Abdomen: [checkbox name="abdomen" value="soft, non-tender, and atraumatic. |no pain. "][text name="abdomen" size = 55 default=" "] Pelvis: [checkbox name="pelvis" value="normal and atraumatic. |no reported pain. "][text name="pelvis" size = 55 default=" ] Extremities: [checkbox name="extremities" value="normal and atraumatic. |equal strength x4. |unequal strength. |cap refill less than 2 seconds. |no reported pain. "][text name="extremities" size = 55 default=" "] Additional Assessment Findings: [textarea name="additassess" default=" "] EKG: [checkbox name="ekg" value="12 lead EKG. |4 lead cardiac monitoring. |normal sinus rhythm. |sinus tachycardia. |no ST Elevation or ectopy. |no EKG performed. "][text name="ekg" size = 55 default=" "] Vital Signs: [checkbox name="variable_1" value="Orthostatic positive. |Orthostatic negative. "] Field Dx/Protocol: [textarea name="variable_1" default="sample text"] Rx: Treatment included: [checkbox name="treatment" value="primary and secondary ALS assessment. |cardiac monitoring enroute. |Waveform capnography monitored enroute. |IV access. |IO access. |Oxygen administered. |QC pads placed. |CPR performed with metronome. |Res-Q-pod used. |Res-Q-pump used. |assisted ventilations with BVM. "] [textarea name="rxt" default=" "] TRANSPORT: [checkbox name="pe_trans_check" value="The patient was secured to the stretcher with all rails and straps. |Transported semi-fowler. |Transported high fowler. |Transported fowler position. |Transported in Trendelenburg's position. |Transported left lateral recumbent. | Transported on LSB. |Refusal AMA with FOS consult. |Refusal AMA w/o FOS consult. "][textarea name="pe_trans" default=" "] Destination: [checkbox name="dest" value="HMC |SJMC |SFH |HMC-South |SFH-South |OSUMC |Not transported. "] [textarea name="destcheck" default=" "] Hospital Activations: [checkbox name="activations" value="Stroke Activation. |Trauma Activation. |Sepsis Activation. |STEMI Activation. |CPR Activation. |Security requested. |No activation. |Not transported. "][text name="pe_act" default=" "] Changes During Transport: [checkbox name="changes" value="No acute changes during transport. |Patient remains stable. |Patient's condition improved during transport. |Not transported. "] [textarea name="rxt" default=" "] Hospital Arrival: [checkbox name="hosparrival" value="Upon arrival at ER handoff is given to nurse/provider at bedside. |Nurse signs PCR. |Patient signs PCR. |Patient unable to sign due to AMS. |TOC Paramedic signs PCR. |Patient unable to sign due to physical impairment. |Not transported. "][textarea name="pe_trans" default=" "] Additional Notes: [textarea name="variable_1" default=" No additional."] Provider: [text name="prov" size = 45 default=" "] [checkbox name="care" value="NRP. |EMT. |AEMT. |EMT-I"]
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One response to “New PCR”
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Ken MacKay NRP, FP-C says:
This is without a doubt the best PCR writing software I have ever used in my life . Please done take it away I would pay for this !!! I have been in EMS for the last 18 years and with the dictation option I flew through my reports . Thank you so much for creating this !!!!