Septic Shock Assessment

Septic Shock Assessment (1 hour post 30 ml/kg fluid bolus)
Persistent hypotension not present_
Lactate > 4 not present_
Perfusion Reassessment for Septic Shock: (If central line, document SCVO2 or CVP, and skip below)
Option 1:
Vital signs assessed
Heart exam:_
Lung exam:_
Peripheral pulses:_
Cap Refill:_
Option 2:
Bedside ultrasound IVC:_
Fluid challenge: patient responsed by_
Septic Shock Treatment: If lactate > 4 or persistent hypotension
Vasopressor: started norepinephrine_
Central line CVP_ , SCVO2_
Comfort care or refusal of treatment: No_
Critical care time _ minutes, exclusive of any procedures performed.
Treatments: Emergent fluid management, while maintaining close cardiopulmonary support and monitoring. Prompt broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Simultaneous assessment for possible sources in order to direct therapy. Consideration for invasive and chemical support to prevent respiratory or cardiac collapse.
Septic Shock Assessment (1 hour post 30 ml/kg fluid bolus)
Persistent hypotension not present_
Lactate > 4 not present_
Perfusion Reassessment for Septic Shock: (If central line, document SCVO2 or CVP, and skip below)
Option 1:
Vital signs assessed
Heart exam:_
Lung exam:_
Peripheral pulses:_
Cap Refill:_
Option 2:
Bedside ultrasound IVC:_
Fluid challenge: patient responsed by_
Septic Shock Treatment: If lactate > 4 or persistent hypotension
Vasopressor: started norepinephrine_
Central line CVP_ , SCVO2_
Comfort care or refusal of treatment: No_
Critical care time _ minutes, exclusive of any procedures performed.
Treatments: Emergent fluid management, while maintaining close cardiopulmonary support and monitoring. Prompt broad spectrum antibiotic therapy. Simultaneous assessment for possible sources in order to direct therapy. Consideration for invasive and chemical support to prevent respiratory or cardiac collapse.

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