TMA Transport

Date of Transport: [date name="date" default="today"]

Trans-Med Distpach, distpached Ambulance [text name="ambulance" default=""] responded to [text name="Responedto" default=""] for a general transport. 
Upon arrival, EMS found the patient [textarea name="foundpatient" default=""]. 
-The general impression of the patient was [textarea name="patientwas" default="how do you feel the pt is? -no distress, anxious, calm, sick, frail, ready for transport, etc "] 

Pt is being transported to [text name="destination" default="destination"] due to [textarea name="reasonfortransport" default="reason for transport -test/procedure,appointment, discharge, etc"] 
-Pt was admitted on and treated for [textarea name="whytheyarethere" default="admission diagnosis and any other issues treated"]
-History was obtained from [checkbox name="history" value="facesheet|patient|family|staff"]
-This problem began [text name="problembegain" default="state when they started with this issue. -Hours, days, weeks, months, years"]. 
-This is [select name="commonproblem" value="(chronic|an occasional|common|rare"] problem for the patient. 
-Primary Admission: [textarea name="Primary" default="If the pt was admitted, list the main reason for admission and any secondary reasons -Flu, Gl Bleed, pneumonia, stroke, etc."]
-Secondary Admission: [textarea name="secondary" default="Weakness, unsteady gait, etc due to the initial reason"] 
-The patient has the following medical history: [textarea name="Medicalhistory" default=""]

EMS performed a complete head to toe [select name="emsassessment" value="BLS|IALS|ALS"] assessment on the patient. 
-Patient is  [checkbox name="patientis" value="conscious|alert and oriented| lethargic| unresponsive| Altered| confused| uncooperative| anxious|disoriented"]
-This is [select name="normal" value="normal|abnormal)"] for the patient. 
[AIRWAY]: Patient's airway is [checkbox name="airway" value="patent| clear| noisey| with secretions"] 
[text name="airwayetc" default=""] [text name="ifonoxygen" default="if on oxygen NC on LPM"]
[VERBAL]: Speech: [checkbox name="verbal" value="(normal| slurred| garbled| nonverbal| not making sense"] 
[EYES] [select name="eyes" value="open|closed| looking around"] 
[CHEST]: [text name="Chest" default="Normal for patient"] 
[ABDOMEN]: [checkbox name="Abdomen" value="Normal for Patient| soft |hard |flat| round| thin |obese |distended| painful"] 
[EXTREMITIES]: [textarea name="Extremities" default="describe grasps, pulse, movement ability, sensation, or any lack of ability"]. 
[MUSCULOSKELETAL]: [textarea name="musculloskeletal" default="equal/unequal, normal, weak against gravity, slow/uncoordinated, list anything abnormal, wounds, splints, contracted"] 
[GAIT]: Patient mombility is [select name="Gait" value="can pt stand on own| with assistance| shuffles| with walker| not at all| bed-confined"] [text name="gaitetc" default=""]
[PAIN]: Patient states pain is [text name="Whereispain" default="where is the pain"] is rated [select name="painscale" value="0|1|2|3|4|6|7|8|9|10"] on a 0-10 scale. 
Patient was placed onto stretcher and secured for transport with 5 straps. Patient was positioned on stretcher in [select name="Postionofpt" value="semi-fowlers| fowlers| supine| lateral"]

[textarea name="Treatment" default="(did you provide any treatment to the patient? If so, list what you did. Ex, applied 02 due to low pulse ox, suctioned airway due to secretions) 
An ongoing assessment was performed throughout ems care. 

[textarea name="Transport" default="Patient remain stable for the duration of the transport. "]
Reason for ambulance: [checkbox name="reasonforambulance" value="The patient is unable to get up from bed without assistance| The Patient is unable to ambulate| The patient is unable to sit in a chair or wheelchair or maintain a sitting posture|Requires restraints to prevent harm and or injury to self or others| Requires cardiac/hemodynamic monitoring en route| Requires continuous IV therapy en route| Requires advanced airway management| Must remain immobile because of a fracture or possibility of fracture| Requires continuous oxygen monitoring by trained medical personnel"]

-Patient was transported without incident to ([var name="destination"] and [textarea name="room" default="department/room"]. 
-Patient moved to [var name="room"] on stretcher and [checkbox name="transferfromstrecher" value="transferred to hospital bed by sheet lift|Patient reamin on stretcher for the duration of the transport|Patient was trasfered to procedure table and ems remain on location to return the patient"]. 
-All of patient's belongings were [text name="belongings" default="left with patient"]. 
-Patient care and report given to [text name="tansferofcare" default="RN"]. 
-Transport signature received from [select name="Signature" value="Patient|Authorized Rep|EMS"]
[conditional field="Signature" condition="(Signature).is('Authorized Rep')"]
Reason why patient did not sign: [checkbox name="Whynopt" value="patient is a Minor| Patient is unconscious| Patient is mentally incapacitated| Patient under the influence of drugs or alcohol|Patient is restrained and unable to sign| Patient is in great pain| patient is to weak"]
[text name="AR" default=""][/conditional]

[conditional field="Signature" condition="(Signature).is('EMS')"]
Reason why patient did not sign: [checkbox name="Whynopt" value="patient is a Minor| Patient is unconscious| Patient is mentally incapacitated| Patient under the influence of drugs or alcohol|Patient is restrained and unable to sign| Patient is in great pain| Patient is to weak"]
[textarea name="EMSs" default=""][/conditional]

[conditional field="transferfromstrecher" condition="(transferfromstrecher).isNot('transferred to hospital bed by sheet lift')"]
EMS Remain on location to return the patient.[/conditional]

Name: [text name="rw" default=""]
Cert: [text name="rwcert" default=""]
[date name="date2" default="timestamp"]

[conditional field="transferfromstrecher" condition="(transferfromstrecher).isNot('transferred to hospital bed by sheet lift')"][comment memo="Return trip Below" memo_color="red" memo_size="large" memo_style="bold"]

Ambulance [var name="ambulance"] was on loaction at [var name="destination" when staff stated that the patient was ready to be return to [var name="Responedto"] 
Upon arrival, EMS found the patient [var name="room"]. 
-The general impression of the patient was [textarea name="patientwasR" default="how do you feel the pt is? -no distress, anxious, calm, sick, frail, ready for transport, etc "] 

Pt is being transported to [var name="Responedto"]after [var name="reasonfortransport"]  
-Pt was admitted on and treated for [var name="whytheyarethere"]
-History was obtained from [var name="history"]
-This problem began [var name="problembegain"]. 
-This is [var name="commonproblem"] problem for the patient. 
-Primary Admission: [var name="Primary"]
-Secondary Admission: [var name="secondary"]
-The patient has the following medical history: [var name="Medicalhistory"]

EMS performed a complete head to toe [var name="emsassessment"] assessment on the patient. 
-Patient is  [var name="patientis"]
-This is [var name="normal"] for the patient. 
[AIRWAY]: Patient's airway is [var name="airway"] 
[var name="airwayetc"] [var name="ifonoxygen"]
[VERBAL]: Speech: [var name="verbal"] 
[EYES] [var name="eyes"] 
[CHEST]: [var name="Chest"] 
[ABDOMEN]: [var name="Abdomen" ] 
[EXTREMITIES]: [var name="Extremities" ].
[MUSCULOSKELETAL]: [var name="musculloskeletal" ] 
[GAIT]: Patient mombility is [var name="Gait"] [var name="gaitetc"]
[PAIN]: Patient states pain is [var name="Whereispain"] is rated [var name="painscale" ] on a 0-10 scale. 
Patient on the stretcher and secured for transport with 5 straps. Patient was positioned on stretcher in [var name="Postionofpt"]

[textarea name="TreatmentR" default="(did you provide any treatment to the patient? If so, list what you did. Ex, applied 02 due to low pulse ox, suctioned airway due to secretions) 
An ongoing assessment was performed throughout ems care. 

[textarea name="TransportR" default="Patient remain stable for the duration of the transport. "]
Reason for ambulance: [var name="reasonforambulance"]

-Patient was transported without incident to [var name="Responedto"] and [textarea name="room" default="department/room"]. 
-Patient moved to [var name="room"] on stretcher and [textarea name="transferfromstrecher" value="transferred to hospital bed by sheet lift"]. 
-All of patient's belongings were [var name="belongings" ]. 
-Patient care and report given to [text name="tansferofcareR" default="RN"]. 
-Transport signature received from [var name="Signature"]
[conditional field="Signature" condition="(Signature).isNot('Patient')"]
Reason why patient did not sign: [checkbox name="Whynopt" value="patient is a Minor| Patient is unconscious| Patient is mentally incapacitated| Patient under the influence of drugs or alcohol|Patient is restrained and unable to sign| Patient is in great pain| patient is to weak"]
[text name="AR" default=""][/conditional]

Name: [var name="rw"]
Cert: [var name=="rwcert" ]
[date name="date3" default="timestamp"]


Date of Transport:

Trans-Med Distpach, distpached Ambulance responded to for a general transport.
Upon arrival, EMS found the patient
-The general impression of the patient was

Pt is being transported to due to

-Pt was admitted on and treated for

-History was obtained from
-This problem began .
-This is problem for the patient.
-Primary Admission:

-Secondary Admission:

-The patient has the following medical history:

EMS performed a complete head to toe assessment on the patient.
-Patient is
-This is for the patient.
[AIRWAY]: Patient's airway is

[VERBAL]: Speech:

[GAIT]: Patient mombility is
[PAIN]: Patient states pain is is rated on a 0-10 scale.
Patient was placed onto stretcher and secured for transport with 5 straps. Patient was positioned on stretcher in


An ongoing assessment was performed throughout ems care.


Reason for ambulance:

-Patient was transported without incident to (destination and
-Patient moved to room on stretcher and .
-All of patient's belongings were .
-Patient care and report given to .
-Transport signature received from


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