[select name="unit" value="EC1|EC2|EC3|EC5|EC6|EC7|MEDIC 1"] was dispatched to the listed location for a [text name="disp" default="Call Type"]. [var name="unit"] responded [select name="respmode" value="emergent|non-emergent"] [select name="lights" value="With lights and sirens|Without lights and sirens"] and [select name="scene" value="arrived on-scene without incident.|was cancelled en route.|was canceled on scene."] 

Patient complained of [text name="complaint" default="complaint"]

[textarea name="Hx_for_complaint" default="Hx surrounding complaint"] 
Patient's medical history, medications, and allergies documented in appropriate section. 

Patient was found [text name="ptfound" default="sitting upright..."]and    [checkbox name="pe_general_check" value="well developed, well nourished, and well appearing|in no obvious distress|malnourished|in obvious distress|obese|appears ill|appears frail|obvious signs of death"][text name="pe_general" size = 55 default=" "]
-Airway: [checkbox name="airway" value="maintained by patient|no concerns of compromise|airway patent|no airway obstructions|compromised|airway positioned to open|airway not patent|obstructions to airway|requires airway adjunct|requires advanced airway|requires artificial ventilation"][text name="airway" size = 55 default=" "]
-Breathing: [checkbox name="breathing" value="breathing regular|adequate respirations|appropriate tidal volume|not spontaneously breathing|irregular respirations|inadequate respirations|inadequate tidal volume|breathing spontaneously|rapid|slow|deep|shallow|apneic"][text name="breathing" size = 55 default=" "]
-Circulation: [checkbox name="circulation" value="no obvious bleeding|pulses intact|skin color appropriate|no life threats to circulation|hemorrhage present|hemorrhage controlled|arterial tourniquet applied|pulses not intact|skin color not appropriate|life threatening concerns with circulation|pulses weak|pulses bounding"][text name="ros_constitutional" size = 55 default=" "]
-Level of consciousness: [checkbox name="loc" value="Alert    and    Orientented    x4|alert|oriented|person|place|time |event|disoriented|arousable by verbal stimuli|arousable by painful stimuli|baseline for pt|unresponsive|unconscious|pharmacologically sedated|unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic"][text name="consciousness" size = 55 default=" "]

-HEENT: [checkbox name="pe_heent_check" value="eyes PERRL|normal mucousa|no bleeding|no trauma to face or mouth|eyes not PERRL|pupils dilated|pupils constricted|positive halo test|negative halo test|dry mucous membranes|extra salivation|trauma to face|trauma to mouth|bleeding|neck swelling/lumps|glasses|contact lens|dentures|did not assess|unable to assess|unable to assess accurately due to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_heent" default=" "]
-Cardiovascular: [checkbox name="pe_cardio_check" value="regular rate and rhythm without st elevation|regular rate and rhythm|peripheral pulses intact, without cyanosis|irregular rate|Tachycardic|Bradycardic|irregular rhythm|st elevation present|jvd present|edema present|no peripheral pulses|cyanosis present|bleeding|did not assess|unable to assess|unable to assess due accurately to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_cardio" default=" "]
-Respiratory: [checkbox name="pe_resp_check" value="clear to auscultation bilaterally upper/middle/lower lobes|no respiratory distress|bilateral equal rise and fall|barrel chest|tachypnea|bradypnea|no flail segment|unequal chest rise and fall|flail segment|increased work of breathing|wheezing|rales|rhonchi|stridor|pleural rub|retractions|upper respiratory congestion|accessory muscle use|upper airway obstruction|lower airway obstruction|artificial ventilations|did not assess|unable to assess accurately due to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_resp" default=" "]
-ABDOMEN: [checkbox name="pe_gi_check" value="atraumatic, bowel sounds present in all 4 quadrants, abdomen soft/non-tender to palpation|non-distended or rigid, no guarding, no masses|no rebound tenderness|rebound tenderness|trauma present|tender abdomen|rigid abdomen|distended abdomen|guarding present|masses present|left lower quadrant|left upper quadrant|right lower quadrant|right upper quadrant|did not assess|unable to assess due to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess accurately to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_gi" default=" "]
-Musculoskeletal: [checkbox name="pe_msk_check" value="normal range of motion|without pain on palpation|no crepitus|no obvious deformity|strength normal in all extremities|fine motorskills intact|abnormal range of motion|pain on palpation|strength not present|crepitus|obvious deformity|in all extremities|left upper extremity|right upper extremity|left lower extremity|right lower extremity|did not assess|unable to assess|unable to assess due to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess accurately to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_msk" default=" "]
-Skin: [checkbox name="pe_skin_check" value="no rashes, skin tears, swelling, lesions, or discoloration|pink, warm, and dry, w/ good turgor|pale|cool|cyanotic|flushed|clammy|hot|warm|diaphoretic|lividity|mottling|jaundiced|skin tear|swelling|poor skin turgor|excessively dry skin"][text name="pe_skin" default=" "]
-Neuro: [checkbox name="pe_neuro_check" value="grossly oriented x 4, gait steady & balanced, sensation intact with normal reflexes, smile symmetrical, and speech not slurred|neuro not grossly intact|disphagia|aphasia|deceberate posturing|decorticate posturing|seizure activity|strength asymmetrical|gait abnormal|sensation absent|no reflexes|smile asymmetrical|hemiplegia|hemiparesis|slurred speech|did not assess|unable to assess|unable to assess accurately due to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_neuro" default=" "]
-Psych: [checkbox name="pe_psych_check" value="pleasant, calm, and cooperative, judgement and insight intact, understands treatment, thought process is logical/linear and age appropriate with normal affect|has a plan made|unpleasant|not calm|uncooperative|does not have a plan|does not understand treatment|impaired attention/concentration|judgement and insight not intact|mood instability|hostile    to    providers|did not assess|unable to assess|unable to assess accurately due to altered mental state|unable to assess accurately due to level of conciousness|unable to assess to due to unresponsive, unconscious, pulseless, and apneic state"][text name="pe_psych" default=" "]

[textarea name="freestyletreat" default="Treatment"]

Pre-Hospital activations: [checkbox name="pe_act_check" value="Stroke Alert|Trauma Alert|STEMI Alert|Sepsis Alert|No alerts activated"][text name="pe_act" default=" "]

Non-transport Dispositions
[checkbox name="Non-transport Dispositions" value="lift assist only|pt refused ems evaluation & transport|patient refused evaluation|pt refused transport|patient treated and released|Refusal Against Medical Advice (AMA)|per protocol|no transport required|no treatment required|no patient contact|protocol requirements met, termination of cpr|obvious signs of death, considered futile|er physician order for termination|transferred care to another ems unit - ground|transferred care to another ems unit - air"] 

Pt was moved to stretcher by [checklist name="transportmode" value="walking|backboard|carried|stairchair"] and positioned [select name="pt-transpo-position" value="supine.|low fowler's.|semi-fowler's.|full fowler's/sitting.|prone.|RLR.|LLR."]

Pt was[checkbox name="pe_trans_check" value="secured to stretcher with belts and rails and loaded into ambulance for transport w/o incident.|seated    in    captain's    chair    and    secured.|placed    on    bench    seat    and    secured."]

Pt was transported [select name="transport priority" value="emergent/lights and sirens|non-emergent/no lights and sirens|emergent downgraded to non-emergent/no lights and siren|non-emergent upgraded to emergent/lights and siren"] to [select name="hospital" value="Clark Regional Medical Center.|Univeristy of Kentucky- Chandler.|University of Kentucky- Good Samaritan|St. Joesph Main.|St. Joseph East.|St. Joesph- Mt. Sterling.|Baptist Health- Hamburg.|Baptist Health- Lexington.|Bourbon Community Hospital.|Cardinal Hill Hospital.|Pattie A. Clay Regional Medical Center.|VA Medical Center."]  

While enroute, pt report was called by [checklist name="report-method" value="phone|radio|dispatcher"] to [var name="hospital"]

Upon arrival, pt was moved inside and [var name="unit"] was directed to [text name="hospassign" default="Room or Triage"]. Patient  was transferred to [select name="endposition" value="hospital bed|chair|wheelchair"] without incident.
Report: Patient care report given to RN [text name="RNname" default="sample text"] at bedside;prior to signing for patient care, they were given the opportunity to ask any questions, state any comments or address any concerns
Signatures: [checkbox name="signature" value="obtained from patient|obtained from guardian/poa|obtained from responsible party|unable to sign|law enforcement signed as|nurse signed as|ems crew signed as| representative|witness|no representative available"][text name="pe_signature" default=" "]

[var name="unit" default="unit"] cleared and returned to service.

[text name="rw" default="Provider"]
[text name="rwcert" default="Cert"]

was dispatched to the listed location for a . unit responded and

Patient complained of

Patient's medical history, medications, and allergies documented in appropriate section.

Patient was found and
-Level of consciousness:


Pre-Hospital activations:

Non-transport Dispositions

Pt was moved to stretcher by and positioned

Pt was

Pt was transported to

While enroute, pt report was called by to hospital

Upon arrival, pt was moved inside and unit was directed to . Patient was transferred to without incident.
Report: Patient care report given to RN at bedside;prior to signing for patient care, they were given the opportunity to ask any questions, state any comments or address any concerns

unit cleared and returned to service.

Result - Copy and paste this output:

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