WM Injury Template

Assignment: [select name="variable_1" value="Guest Injury|Patrol Injury|Associate Injury"]

Narrative: [comment memo="Story of what transpired. Be OBJECTIVE. Facts only"]
[textarea name="variable_2" default=""]

Group: [comment memo="Name of group they are a part of, if applicable. i.e. Wedding, business, ect."]
[text name="variable_3" default="N/A"]

Transient: [comment memo="This is an individual who is a guest but has no affiliation to groups in house."]
[radio name="variable_4" value="Yes|No"]

Associate: [comment memo="Any piad OMNI associate"]
[radio name="variable_5" value="Yes|No"]

Patron: [comment memo=" Individual conducting business with OMNI but not a guest i.e. dining in a restaurant only"]
[radio name="variable_6" value="Yes|No"]

Guest Information:
Name: [textarea name="variable_7" default=""]
Phone: [textarea name="variable_8" default=""]
Email: [textarea name="variable_9" default=""]
Check-In: [date name="variable_10" default=""]
Check-out: [date name="variable_11" default=""]

Guest Statement: [comment memo="Statement given by the guest on what occured"]
[textarea name="variable_12" default="N/A"]

Voluntary Statement: [comment memo="Statement given by a witness"]
[textarea name="variable_13" default="sample text"]


Recieved Call: [text name="variable_14" default=""]
Responded: [text name="variable_15" default=""]
On Scene: [text name="variable_16" default=""]
Emergency Services Arrived: [text name="variable_17" default=""]
Emergency Services Cleared: [text name="variable_18" default=""]
LPO Cleared: [text name="variable_19" default=""]
Other: [text name="variable_20" default=""]

Investigation: [comment memo="What investigative steps did you take"]
[textarea name="variable_21" default=""]

Attachments: [comment memo="List any attachements in Presynct"]
[checkbox name="variable_22" value="Pictures|Statement Form|Food Illness Form"]
Other: [text name="variable_23" default=""]

Notifications: [checkbox name="variable_24" value="Dominique LaPointe, TFGM|Jeff Leduc, Resort Manager|Tim Monahan, LP Director|Gene Meoni, F&B Director|Risk Management"]
Other: [text name="variable_25" default="N/A"]

[select name="variable_26" value="Open|Closed"]

Narrative: Story of what transpired. Be OBJECTIVE. Facts only

Group: Name of group they are a part of, if applicable. i.e. Wedding, business, ect.

Transient: This is an individual who is a guest but has no affiliation to groups in house.

Associate: Any piad OMNI associate

Patron: Individual conducting business with OMNI but not a guest i.e. dining in a restaurant only

Guest Information:




Guest Statement: Statement given by the guest on what occured

Voluntary Statement: Statement given by a witness


Recieved Call:
On Scene:
Emergency Services Arrived:
Emergency Services Cleared:
LPO Cleared:

Investigation: What investigative steps did you take

Attachments: List any attachements in Presynct




Result - Copy and paste this output:

Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.35, 35 form elements, 38 boilerplate words, 10 text boxes, 7 text areas, 2 dates, 2 checkboxes, 3 radio buttons, 2 drop downs, 9 comments, 32 total clicks
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