Altman Rule to Identify Food with Lower Glycemic Load
Altman Rule to Identify Foods with Lower Glycemic Load fiber (g) + protein (g) > sugar (g) [text name="variable_1" size=5] <-- grams of fiber per serving [text name="variable_2" size=5] <-- grams of protein per serving [text name="variable_3" size=5] <-- grams of sugar per serving Sugar heaviness --> [calc memo="Extra sugar" value="score0=(variable_3)-(variable_1)-(variable_2)"] grams Verdict --> [calc memo="Answer" value="score=(variable_3)-(variable_1)-(variable_2);score>10?'No, this does not have a low glycemic load and it is not even close':score>5?'No, this does not have a low glycemic load but you are trying':score>1?'No, this does not have a low glycemic load, but it is probably fine':score>0?'No, this does not have a low glycemic load, but it is really close':score>-.0001?'This is about as close as you can get to having a low glycemic load without having a low glycemic load':'Yes, this food does have a low glycemic load'"] [checkbox memo="Hide/Display References" name="footnotes" value=""][conditional field="footnotes" condition="(footnotes).is('')"] references: [link url="" memo="#1"] Dong KR, Eustis S, Hawkins K, Altman, W. Is the Altman Rule a proxy for glycemic load? J Fam Pract. 2023 September;72(7):286-291.[/conditional]
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