
HPI - Diabetes

No dry mouth, polyuria, polydipsia.  Medication compliance: _.

Blood glucose:

Fasting:        _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Breakfast:   _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Lunch:          _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Dinner:        _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Vaccine: _ Pneumovax, _ Tdap, _ Flu.

Foot exam: Date: _ ; Concerns today: _ ; Checks feet at home: _

Retinal scan: Date: _ : Abnormalities: _

Meds: Metformin, _
HPI - Diabetes

No dry mouth, polyuria, polydipsia. Medication compliance: _.

Blood glucose:

Fasting: _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Breakfast: _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Lunch: _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Dinner: _ of 7 high (max: _ )

Vaccine: _ Pneumovax, _ Tdap, _ Flu.

Foot exam: Date: _ ; Concerns today: _ ; Checks feet at home: _

Retinal scan: Date: _ : Abnormalities: _

Meds: Metformin, _

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