Diabetes CJ
Diabetes Follow-up (250 K030): Wt: • kg Ht: • cm WC: • «BMI:» BP: • HR: • Monofilament R:•/10 L:•/10 missed Logbook:« no, forgot»« no, does not check sugars regularly» «-FBS: • -Lunch: • -Dinner: • -QHS: • »« -Hyperglycemia: highest in last • month(s) = • (explanation:) -Hypoglycemia: lowest in last • month(s) = • (explanation:) -Hypoglycemic symptoms occur at a threshold of: • -Frequency of BG <4.0: -Severe low? «no»» Lifestyle: -Smoking: • -EtOH: • -Diet: • -Exercise: • Complications: -Macrovascular:« No chest pain, TIA/strokes, claudication.» -Erectile dysfunction: • -Gastroparesis: • -Peripheral neuropathy: • -Ulcers: • Current DM meds: Reviewed and updated medications in chart, denies s/e Physical exam:« NAD, looks well».« Obese.»« No acanthosis nigricans.» -HN: «Thyroid not enlarged, no nodules palpated, no lymphadenopathy» -CVS: «NHS, no murmurs» -Resp: «GAEB, no c/w» -Fundi: «Grossly normal» -Foot exam: «No »PPP, monofilament R:•/10 L:•/10 missed, «no foot lesions», calluses/toenails: • A+P: «DMI»«DMII», «well»«poorly»«not» controlled 1. Glycemic control 2. Microvascular complications Retinopathy:« No»« YES» Neuropathy:« No»« YES» Nephropathy:« No»« YES» Latest Ophthalmology Consult = «never done» Latest Optometry Consult = «never done» Latest Podiatry Consult = «never done» Latest A1c (q3m): Latest Cr (q6m): Latest ACR (q12m): Latest ECG (q24m): 3. Macrovascular complications -« ABSENT»« YES:« CAD»« MI»« Stroke»« TIA»« PVD»» ASA:« Yes.»« No, not indicated for primary prevention.» ACE/ARB:« Yes.»« No, not indicated as BP at target and no nephropathy.» Statin:« Yes.»« No, not indicated as <40 years and no macro- or microvascular complications.» 4. Immunizations: Influenza: Pneumovax: Zostavax: 5. Other counselling discussed: «-Smoking: •» «-EtOH: •» «-Exercise: advised 30 mins per day or 150 mins per week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise» «-Diet: we reviewed all of the lifestyle options to achieve optimal glycemic control, including diet (ex. Mediterranean diet, portion control, fibre, etc), exercise (eventual goal of >30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week), and «-Weight loss: advised a target 5-10% of current body weight over 6 months» «-Medications: - we also reviewed all of the medication options available including metformin, sulfonylureas, acarbose, DPP4 inhibitors, GLP analogues, SGLT2 inhibitors, and long-acting and rapid insulin «-Sick day medications: Reviewed SADMANs medications to hold while unwell» «-Driving: reviewed need to check sugar 1 hour prior to driving, "less than five, don't drive," and "less than four, don't drive for 1 hour"» «-Hypoglycemia: reviewed need to carry glucose, how to treat a low (15g CHO q15 minutes until BG>4.0, take snack containing carbohydrate AND protein if not proximate to a meal)»
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