Diabetes F/U
Patient presents to clinic to follow up on Diabetes care. [text]. FBG [text]. HgA1c [text]. Previous HgA1c [text]. Medication: [text] Patient is [select value= compliant|non-comlpiant] with medication Dietary changes: [text] Lifestyle changes: [text] Last diabetic foot exam:[text] ***due*** Last diabetic eye exam [text] ***due*** [textarea default="sample text"] [select value= admits|denies] blurry vision/changes in vision [select value= admits|denies] polyuria [select value= admits|denies]numbness/tingling [text] [select value= admits|denies]chest pain [select value= admits|denies]palpitations [select value= admits|denies]SOB [select value= admits|denies]LE edema [select value= admits|denies]claudication [select value= admits|denies]gastroparesis Current medications [text] PMH: [text] [OBJECTIVE: Vitals General: WDWN, NAD [text] HEENT: optic disc clear with sharp margins [text] Heart: RRR, no murmurs, rubs or gallops [text] Lungs: CTAB[text] Neuro: gross sensation to light touch intact at C7/8, L5, S1. Achilles reflex 2+ b/l. [text] Extremities: [text] ***check feet*** Assessment/Plan Patient presents to clinic for diabetes follow up [text] Next lab draw [text] Continue current medication regimen: [text] Follow up:[text] Patient educated on: [text] [textarea default="sample text"] Labs: A1c every 3 months until <7% then 2x yearly. Lipid profile yearly, kidney function yearly, microalbuminuria yearly. Eye and foot exam yearly. ABI indicated?
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