
Patient presents to clinic with complaint of [text]. Onset [text]. Symptoms have ***trending*** [text] since onset [text]. Patient [select value= "has|has not"] noticed [select value= improvement|worsening] of symptoms [text] . [text] Palliative factors include: [text]. Provoking factors include: [text].Patient [select value= "admits to|denies"] previous episodes. [textarea default="additional details"]. 

Patient admits to: [text]
Patient denies [text]

General: WDWN, NAD [text]
HEENT: EOMI, no LAD, no thyromegaly or goiter [text]
Heart: RRR, no murmurs, rubs or gallops [text]
Lungs: CTAB [text]

Patient presents to clinic with [text]
Differential Dx: [text]
Tests:[ text]
Treatment: [text]
Follow up: [text]
Patient educated on [text]
Next steps if no improvement: [text]
Patient presents to clinic with complaint of . Onset . Symptoms have ***trending*** since onset . Patient noticed of symptoms . Palliative factors include: . Provoking factors include: .Patient previous episodes.

Patient admits to:
Patient denies

General: WDWN, NAD
HEENT: EOMI, no LAD, no thyromegaly or goiter
Heart: RRR, no murmurs, rubs or gallops
Lungs: CTAB

Patient presents to clinic with
Differential Dx:
Tests:[ text]
Follow up:
Patient educated on
Next steps if no improvement:

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