Physical Activity Prescription (English)
Physical Activity Prescription Member name: [text name="variable_1" default=""] Date of birth: [date name="variable_2" default=""] Date of prescription: [date name="variable_3" default="01/11/2020"] Aerobic Activity Type: [checklist name="variable_4" value="option A|option B|option C"] Frequency: [select name="variable_5" value="choice A|choice B|choice C"] days/week Intensity: [select name="variable_6" value="choice A|choice B|choice C"] Time: [select name="variable_7" value="choice A|choice B|choice C"] min/day Make it fun: [select name="variable_8" value="choice A|choice B|choice C"] Weightlifting & Strength Training Frequency: [select name="variable_9" value="choice A|choice B|choice C"] Muscle groups: do exercises to strengthen all major muscle groups including legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders and arms Repetitions: 8-12 repetitions per set for each exercise Sets: 3 sets for each exercise Exercise location: home or gym, use resistance bands or body-weight exercises at home
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