Eye Exam

Visual Acuity OS: [select value="20/20|20/25|20/30|20/40|20/50|20/70|20/100|20/200"] [select value="Uncorrected.|Corrected.|With pinhole."]   OD:[select value="20/20|20/25|20/30|20/40|20/50|20/70|20/100|20/200"]  [select value="Uncorrected.|Corrected.|With pinhole."] Visual Fields OS:[select value="Intact by 4.|85 degrees."]  OD:[select value="Intact by 4.|85 degrees."] Extra Ocular Movements OS:[select value="Intact w/o diplopia.|Diplopia.|Esotropia.|Exotropia.|Hypertropia.|Hypotropia.|Intermittent strabismus.|Constant strabismus.|Alternating strabismus.|"]  OD: [select value="Intact w/o diplopia.|Diplopia.|Esotropia.|Exotropia.|Hypertropia.|Hypotropia.|Intermittent strabismus.|Constant strabismus.|Alternating strabismus.|"] Lids/Lashes/Lacrimal OS:[select value="No lesions.|Ptosis. |Crusting. |Redness. |Swelling / bruising. |Lacerations."] OD:[select value="No lesions.|Ptosis. |Crusting. |Redness. |Swelling / bruising. |Lacerations."] Conjunctiva and Sclera OS: [select value="Quiet and White.|Translucent. |Injected.|Edema. |Discharge. |Subconjunctival hemorrhage. |Lacerations. |Lesions."] OD: [select value="Quiet and White.|Translucent. |Injected.|Edema. |Discharge. |Subconjunctival hemorrhage. |Lacerations. |Lesions."] Cornea OS:[select value="Normal with clear, bright, smooth surface. |No Fluorescein Uptake.|Cloudy.|Scarring.|Foreign body. |Rust ring. |Abscess. |Laceration."] OD: [select value="Normal with clear, bright, smooth surface. |No Fluorescein Uptake.|Cloudy.|Scarring. |Foreign body. |Rust ring. |Abscess. |Laceration."] Anterior Chamber OS:[select value="Deep and Quiet.|Normal-clear, bright & deep. |Flat, shallow. |Hyphema. |Hypopyon. |Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens."] OD:[select value="Deep and Quiet.|Normal-clear, bright & deep. |Flat, shallow. |Hyphema. |Hypopyon. |Anterior Chamber Intraocular Lens."] Iris OS: [select value="Round and Reactive. |Torn. |Laceration. |Prolapse."] OD: [select value="Round and Reactive. |Torn. |Laceration. |Prolapse."] Lens OS: [select value="Clear.|Bright, even red reflex.  |Dull or absent red reflex. |White pupil. |Shadows in red reflex."] OD:[select value="Clear.|Bright, even red reflex.  |Dull or absent red reflex. |White pupil. |Shadows in red reflex."] Retina OS: [select value="Sharp disc margins.|AV nicking. |Arteriole narrowing. |Ghost vessels. |Arteriole attenuation. |Hollenhorst plaque. |Vascular sheathing.|Vascular tortuosity. |Weiss ring. |Venous beading."] OD: [select value="Sharp disc margins.|AV nicking. |Arteriole narrowing. |Ghost vessels. |Arteriole attenuation. |Hollenhorst plaque. |Vascular sheathing.|Vascular tortuosity. |Weiss ring. |Venous beading."]
Visual Acuity OS: OD: Visual Fields OS: OD: Extra Ocular Movements OS: OD: Lids/Lashes/Lacrimal OS: OD: Conjunctiva and Sclera OS: OD: Cornea OS: OD: Anterior Chamber OS: OD: Iris OS: OD: Lens OS: OD: Retina OS: OD:

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