Feature Glossary
Conditional Tag
The Conditional Tag is used for showing or hiding form elements. more…
Frontload Tag
The Frontload Tag brings in the contents of another SOAPnote. It front loads another SOAPnote so that a user might re-use a shorthand library or any other SOAPnote form that they (or anyone else) created. more…
Prepopulated Text
Prepopulated Text: A feature to customize forms with contact information, addresses, and more. more…
Scratchpad: a temporary place to save recent work. more…
Shorthand Tag
The Shorthand Tag allows a user to expand text with just a few keystrokes. The idea is that a library of abbreviated shorthand codes could be typed into text areas. more…
Structured Data Index
Structured Data Index: A number from 0 to 1 that relates to the number of clicks in a form. The closer to 1, the more clicks. The closer to 0, the less clicks. The formula is: (total count of) date + checklist + checkbox + drop down + radio button)/(total count of textbox + text area + date + checklist + checkbox + drop down + radio button).
If the Structured Data Index is 1.000, the note is entirely made of defined elements with choices (and lots of clicks). more…