Discharge Summary

[text name="Name"] is a [text name="Age"] y/o [select name="Gender" value="Cis-Male|Cis-Female|Trans-Male|Trans-Female|Non-Binary individual"] who presented to the MCH ED on [text name="Date"] due to concerns of [text name="Symptoms"]. At that time the pt was initially assessed by the attending ED physician and medically cleared prior to psychiatric assessment. On assessment, pt was found to be an acute safety risk and admission for psychiatric stabilization was determined to be appropriate. Pt was admitted on [select name="Status" value="201 status.|302 status, due to poor insight and judgement, with acute safety concerns."]

Pt was admitted with working diagnosis of [text name="Diagnosis"] and placed under the care of [select name="Attending" value="Dr. Figueroa|Dr. Sinha|Dr. Snow|Dr. Strazisar"], attending psychiatrist. Pt was familiarized with the therapeutic milieu by highly trained staff, with the following considerations: [checkbox name="Considerations" value="no roommate due to aggression|no roommate due to inappropriate behaviors|no roommate due to significant paranoia|1:1 observation due to self harm|1:1 observation due to aggression"]

Appropriate medical service was consulted on admission for comanagement of medical comorbidities. Outpatient medications were resumed on admission. Routine medical workup was performed on admission, including CBC, CMP, TSH, HbA1c, Lipid Panel, Vitamin panels, UDS, and UA. [textarea name="Results"]

On admission, pt reported the following concerns: [text name="symptoms"] While admitted, the pt's overall condition was reassessed and observed. Pt's primary condition was determined to be [text name="FinalDiagnosis"]. The following medication changes were made during admission:
[textarea name="Plan"]

During admission, social work was consulted for discharge planing and resource coordination. While admitted, the following services were explored:
[textarea name="SWPlan"]

[textarea name="Additionalnotes"]

On [text name="Date"], pt was felt to have received maximum benefit from inpatient admission and discharge was recommended. At the time of discharge, pt denied any SI/HI/AVH or acute safety concerns. Pt reported feeling safe for discharge, with the following services established:
[textarea name="Dischargeservices"]
is a y/o who presented to the MCH ED on due to concerns of . At that time the pt was initially assessed by the attending ED physician and medically cleared prior to psychiatric assessment. On assessment, pt was found to be an acute safety risk and admission for psychiatric stabilization was determined to be appropriate. Pt was admitted on

Pt was admitted with working diagnosis of and placed under the care of , attending psychiatrist. Pt was familiarized with the therapeutic milieu by highly trained staff, with the following considerations:

Appropriate medical service was consulted on admission for comanagement of medical comorbidities. Outpatient medications were resumed on admission. Routine medical workup was performed on admission, including CBC, CMP, TSH, HbA1c, Lipid Panel, Vitamin panels, UDS, and UA.

On admission, pt reported the following concerns: While admitted, the pt's overall condition was reassessed and observed. Pt's primary condition was determined to be . The following medication changes were made during admission:

During admission, social work was consulted for discharge planing and resource coordination. While admitted, the following services were explored:

On , pt was felt to have received maximum benefit from inpatient admission and discharge was recommended. At the time of discharge, pt denied any SI/HI/AVH or acute safety concerns. Pt reported feeling safe for discharge, with the following services established:

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