Advanced Care Planning
Advanced Care Planning Date of Service -[date name="date1" default="today"] Location - [text name="variable_1" default=""] Demographics and Patient Status [textarea name="demo1" default=""] Advanced Illness [textarea name="acphpi1" default=""] Current Advanced Care Directives Health Care Proxy - [select name="HCP1" value="Yes|No"] [conditional field="HCP1" condition="(HCP1).is('Yes')"] [textarea name="HCPtxt1" default=""] [comment memo="Name, Relationship to patient, Phone number"][/conditional] [checkbox name="ACD_2" value="Living Will|Documentation of Oral Advance Directive|Durable Power of Attorney|DNR|DNI|No Feeding Tube|Do Not Hospitalize|"][conditional field="ACD_2" condition="(ACD_2).is('')"][textarea name="ACDtext1" default=""] [comment memo="Discuss any additional information regarding ACD"][/conditional] Members present during discussion- [textarea name="acpwitness" default=""] [comment memo="Name, Relationship to patient, Phone number"] Topics Discussed [textarea name="topics" default=""] Change in Patient's Wishes - [select name="Wish1" value="No|Yes"][conditional field="Wish1" condition="(Wish1).is('Yes')"] [textarea name="ACDtext1" default=""][/conditional] Outcome of Visit [textarea name="outcomes" default=""] Patient's Understanding [textarea name="understanding" default="At the end of our discussion, I asked the patient to explain their understanding of our discussion. The patient stated.......All parties present were in agreement with the decision made. "] [comment memo="Describe the patients understanding in their words"]
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Sandbox Metrics: Structured Data Index 0.29, 21 form elements, 39 boilerplate words, 1 text boxes, 9 text areas, 1 dates, 1 checkboxes, 2 drop downs, 4 comments, 3 conditionals, 21 total clicks
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